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Marina's pov

"Dare." Lycia picked when it was her turn.

"Hmm." I hummed.

"Scream as loud as you can." I suggested.

Lycia took in a deep breath and... AHHHH!!! She screamed until I felt as if my eardreams would burst. I was at her house and her parents arent home anyways.

I pushed back my hair as it was my turn. I pulled my sleeve and thought.

"Um.. Dare." I softly said, kind of scared cause I dont always choose dares.

"Prank call!" Lycia clapped her hands.

"Call a random number and say, "I love chicken nuggets." and have a full on coversation." Lycia continued.

"Uhh.. Im not sure." I mumbled. Oh god, Im always like this.

"C'mon Marina! It's just a dare!" Lycia pleaded.

"Okay, I guess I'll do it." I smiled.

I tugged a string of my hair behind my ear as I grabbed my phone.

I punched in a random number and put it on loud speaker. The person picks up on the fourth ring.

"Hello?" A male voice spoke.

"Hi, yes. I really love chicken nuggets." I closed my mouth to muffle my giggles.

"Ahahaha, well so do I." His response was unexpected.

I thought he would just hang up on me.

"I love the ones from Mcdonalds, what about you?" I crack a smile.

"I love all kinds of chicken nuggets." I hear his laugh from the other line.

I gave Lycia 'the look' as she urged me to continue.

"Uhh so what's your name? I'm Marina Woodley." I introduced myself.

"Kian Lawley. Is this some prank call?" He laughs and I laugh along.

Lycia covered her mouth with her palm, her eyes wild. She stands and kept repeating "Oh my gosh." again and again.

"Oh my god, are you serious?" I smiled widely and silently freak out.

"Nah, I'm this blue unicorn who shits rainbows and glitter on top of your house. Of course I'm serious, silly." He jokes and I giggle.

"Where are you? I mean, not in a stalkerish way." I asked nervously.

"Ho- IM ON A CLOUD. STAY CLOUDY." Another guy shouted through the line.

Lycia couldn't stand it any longer, I could tell when she screamed "JC!" into the phone.

"Uh, sorry that was my friend Lycia. We love you guys so much!" I covered my mouth my my palm to contain myself from screaming.

"We get that alot, we love you too babes." Kian replied.

"Okay, um Marina? I have to go. I'll save your number. Shoot me a text sometime. Pass me your friend's number too. Do me a favor and dont spread my number alright? Bye babe." Kian mumbled and hung up.

I dropped my phone and lay on th ground. Lycia joined me.

"What just happened?" I asked Lycia while staring at the wall above me.

"I dont even know." Lycia replied.


wooooooo. its a really long prologue ahhaha. Marina Woodley is played byyyyy Ariana Grande💁 And the others as themselves. I hope u enjoy this book🙈

if u like what u see, baby put ur hands on me


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