Part 11

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"Uh talk? About what?" I looked at Rarity with a raised brow. "About you and Fluttershy darling. Ive noticed how she gets whenever you're around or the topic of conversation", I blushed slightly, "How uh how does she get? Just out of curiosity" "Well she's a more outgoing than usual. Granted she still has her moments but she's been trying to be a lot more social. She likes you RainbowDash. A lot" My face got redder, "R-Really?" She nods, "Yes. And I'm...well I'm worried. Her luck hasn't been the best with other people and I would hate for her to have a repeat. Because if you end up breaking her heart, I will hurt you. And we don't want that do we?" My body tensed up at her threat, "N-Not at all" "Good. Glad we have an understanding. That's all I had to say, do have a good rest of your day dear. Ta" "Yeah, you too" I head out and get in car before calling Fluttershy. "Hey it's me..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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