Roars of the Beautiful Beast

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My mom used to tell me that the night is a very scary place. Momma always told me to lock the house up when she left for work during the grave yard shift which begun at 12 o'clock. She stressed this to the point that my ears felt like they were gonna pop. And in my childish mind I believed her. The older I got the more her warnings met broken ears. The more disobedient I became. And unknowingly the more naive. So as I walk down the empty streets at 3 am; knowing I was being stalked, I couldn't help but wished I'd listened to my mother then. If only I'd stayed home. I was two blocks from there now but no matter how much I increased my pace the foot steps echoing thunderiously behind me never ceased nor slowed, always remaining the same distance away. In a panic to get away from the powerful strides I put on a burst of speed thinking I'd make it.

That was a big mistake...

I try my hardest to push forward as my stalker grapped my weak left arm. No sooner had I done that the man- that I happened to notice up close was extremely burly in size- threw his steel unbreakable arms around me. My skin shocked with static tingles, that were supposed to attract a woman's attention but in unknown reasons repulsed me.

"You will not escape your fate this night child. Master has been waiting for you much too long. Some or another must pay for all of your dear mothers dues."

I struggled harder against him, until I realized that wouldn't work. My attacker probably figured the same from my compliance for just as I opened my mouth to scream his dark rough hand clamped over it. I resumed kicking and silently yelling to no advail.

"Drat, keep still you tiny beast!"

I fought with renewed strength and yet made no further progress.

At once I felt him move and as he did the big brute if a man begun to sing a soft lullaby near my ear. Oddly my body began to get sluggish my mind slowing down.

No, no no! Can't fall asleep can't let him have the advantage over you. Lids getting heavy.

Heartbeat settling to a steady tempo.

Wake up! Now. Don't slip up yet!

Brain fogged out.

Lights barely there fading to dark.

Out like a light. Right before I fell completely under a low sensuous voice surrounded my conscience.

"My payment at long last, my love... Bring her to me. Let me hold that what is to be mine. My beautiful Persphone. All for me. My poor fragile love. Don't worry dear darling, you shall be in my care now and for all eternity."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2012 ⏰

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