chapter 1

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It was a snowy morning, white sheets of thick snow covered all of the grass. Josie woke up and put on her slippers and walked to her closet to find something to wear, she decieded to wear her favorite green xdogvest. She threw on her checkered vans and ran downstairs. Josie quickly grabbed the hinges of the door and swinged into the bathroom, grabbed the toothpaste and toothbrush very brutally. She accedently got toothpaste all over, she didn't care. She brushed her teeth as quickly as she could and ran into the kitchen and grabbed her moms hand and dragged her out to the tessa. Josie looked at her mom with a begging look and said "can I sit in the front?" Mother looked at josie with a confused look and said "why of course you can!" Josie opened the door and hopped in the door, mother started the car and told it a destination and the car started driving. When they got to josies new school josie looked in the rear Mirror and said "does my hair look fine?" Mother looked at her with a stern face than giggled and said "yes your hair looks fine, and why would you ask? Are you trying to find a boyfriend or something?" Josie laughed and said "I just dont wanna get bullied" mother looked at her with a worried look and kinda ignored josie and opened her door and they started walking toards the intrence. When they got in the school josie saw her bestfriend from her old school and ran up to her, before she could get to her she ran into someone, her heart was racing, she looked up and standing high above her was a buff blonde pit bull holding out his paw to help her up. She let him help her up and she said " thank you?" "No problem" the pit bull said. "By the way, my names dez" josie thought to herself, wow he's pretty cute. "O-Oh i like that name, my names josie" josie said Panicking trying not to blush. "Ight I got to go" dez said as the bell rang. "WAIT!" Josie yelled at dez going down the halls "yeah?" Dez said "where's spanish?" She said while blushing. "Down the hall to the right, OK now I need to go." dez didnt sound that happy, I mean I did kinda make him late.... I didnt want that though. What if he hates me.. Josie finally snapped out of it and started walking down the hallway, "miss. Keesha's spanish class" josie read as she walked in. "Is this spanish class?" Josie said nervously. "Read the sign dumb dumb" said this orangish border collie   with a snappy attitude. "Okay than, I didn't intend for the attitude" josie said sitting down in the frount. The border collie stood up and stomped to her desk, "excuse you but I am the queen of this school, my names gezabel, and I have a boyfriend named drax, oh and I you go near him I will end your social career. Oh and-" gezabel got interupted by this blue heeler pushing gezabel out of the way and looking at me and saying "sorry she usally is bitchy like that, OH and how rude, my name is blue and I am the type of person who is friendly and is always free to hang!" "OH and I'm not a boy :-:" josie stuttered to talk but finally spit it out. "Oh sorry, my names josie and I am friendly, And was popular at my past 5 old schools and will proceed to take over this one :)" blue smiled and looked up than she stopped smiling and said "I was popular once, but miss perfect is a fake little lying bitch ass hoe" josie looked up at blue and had a confused look on her face. " I'll describe it at my place, 6:30, dress nice, and my adress is.********" blue said as she waved goodbye and walked out of class as the bell was ringing. Oh and today was a early dismissal, so I get to go home in 2 minutes! Josie ran to her locker and grabbed her book bag, but trouble came along with a white pit bull named peter and a brown pit bull named coco.

To be continued

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