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The thudding of expensive shoes on marble echoes through the long hall.

A black trail leads to a pale woman making the most of being dragged backward down the long hall by her arms. They pass a receptionist who's eye twitches as her gaze follows the woman's trail making shoes.

They reach a tall set of pristine white doors and the two men thrust open the doors so hard they slam against the wall behind them. The bright lights of the marble hall is immediately replaced by darkness. The doors close and the two guards dragging the woman stop, the squeaking of the pale woman's shoes is replaced by a soft, low, hum. "So..." The pale woman clears her throat and hangs her head back only to vaguely make out the two guards faces "... Come here often?" She worriedly grins. The guards suddenly let go of her arms and the woman drops to the floor, her head hits the reinforced flooring so hard her thoughts spin and her eyes feel as if they've sunken deeper in her head. Clutching her head, the doors slams when the two guards leave, the woman turns her body to the side and curls into a fetal position.

"Is that a subtle hint to ADF, you naive sheep?" A high pitch and full voice gurgles from the darkness. The woman doesn't respond. A cold cable crackles and snaps with an overbearing electrical current as it approaches the woman's back, small metallic prongs spring out from the cable's end before it tears through the back of the women's dress and into the outlet between the woman's shoulder blades. Two more small rods kick out from the side of the edge of the cable and pierces through the woman's flesh, making two new deep holes to add to the collection of scars she holds.  Slowly, the cable lifts the woman towards the darkness.

Yellow lights illuminate a small yet chubby girl, her scalp spilling over with cables makes it clear that the girl is merely a shell for something much larger, sadly the pale woman knew the shell's identity all too well.

"Been awhile Alyssa." Emma says, her eyes flickering with the strain of the projectors behind them.

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