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Okay, maybe---hypothetically speaking of course, technically, Taehyung should've thought this through. He should've weighed his options, make a list of pros and cons, go over the dos and don'ts of building a race track, maybe. But in his defense, it wasn't the worst idea in the world. It was actually quite ambitious and brilliant. In fact, everyone should be praising him for even coming up with this much genius in forty-five goddamn minutes.

So, this wasn't his best idea, but it wasn't exactly his worst. It was up there with the worst, but it wasn't the worst of the worst. It was okay. Top five maybe? Top three? Top two? Definitely not the worst though, no way.

For example, there was the time he used Fix-it-Yoongi's hammer to unclog a toilet, which resulted in Yoongi shoving his head down the toilet and hitting his head with the hammer, now that was really bad. There was also the time his hand got stuck in a vending machine, oh and even the time he tried to boil his cereal---then tried to use perfume to set the fire out.

Those were all pretty bad, he'll admit. So this? This is nothing. He can totally fix it. Well not in the literal sense since he is in fact Wreck-It-V, "God of Destruction" or whatever the fuck they called him these days.

The actual fixing was Yoongi's job, but he chose the perfect time to fall in love and get married to Kim Namjoon, aka Sergeant RM, aka tall nerdy warrior guy with pink hair that looked tougher than he actually was, who Yoongi happened to fall in love with at first sight, and ran off to God knows where on a honeymoon.

So yeah, he was in pretty deep shit. The shittiest shit. Some real bad shit. Shit.

Nevertheless, Taehyung wasn't going down without a fight. "Never give up on your dreams" and all that jazz, right? He was sure he could make things right by himself, he was an adult after all. So the best thing that came to mind was to apologize (or beg), and state clearly that he "was just trying to help a friend out" (or, whine loudly and throw a tantrum). He'll even use the puppy dog eyes and everything. Foolproof right?

Besides, none of this would've happened if Park Jimin von Schweetz, that fucking gorgeous pain in the ass (who also happened to be the princess of Sugar Rush), didn't collapse in his arms and wail loudly about how boring the race tracks were. Then of course, naturally, Taehyung's kind, loving, generous instincts took in, the urge to help his friend taking over logic at that point, and he built him a new race track.

Was that so wrong? Couldn't he make the princess of Sugar Rush happy? If he was a bad person for doing his job as Jimin's hero, then so be it. Though it hurts, he's willing to make that sacrifice. God, being a good person is so hard.

Except it wasn't that simple, not when the citizens of Sugar Rush were now homeless because of his race track. Though technically, he built the race track for Jimin so this should be Jimin's fault, but no one is gonna blame his royal highness, oh no. Everything, is Kim Taehyung's fault.

The citizens of Sugar Rush were currently gathered in the hallway, some panicking and going on dramatic rants about how horrible their lives are, others rationally trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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