Part one

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                         Savannah's POV
I wake up around 7:30 to my mom screaming at me
Mom: Savannah get you, your brother has been waiting in the car for twenty minutes let's go
Savannah: I'm coming damn
I get up get dressed and drive my brother to school drop him off then I go to school and meet up with Mariana and shania
Shania: hey Savan finally you made it to school you take forever to get here
Mariana: it's fine let's go
Savannah: okay
So me and Mariana walk shania to her class and then we go to our class we had together
Mariana: Annie has been acting weird lately, she's been hanging around this boy named jack and his friends and I think her and jack are dating or fucking around or something
Savannah: maybe they are I don't know maybe we should ask her
Mariana: maybe we should, I just don't want her to get mad at me or make it seem like I'm snooping in her business
Savannah: true I don't know let's just talk to her in lunch
Mariana: okay
Savannah: imma take a nap I hate this class is much Mr.Jacobs gets on my nerves most the time he's always in a bad mood
Mariana: most the time yeah, I can't wait till Mr.dobriks class, that's my favorite
Savannah: yeah me too he's so hot
Mariana: he really is
Savannah: okay wake me up like five minutes before the bell rings
Mariana: alright I got you big dawg
So I lay my head down and end up falling asleep like 5 minutes after, I wake up to Mr.Jacobs yelling at me to wake up
Savannah: damn can't let me rest
Mariana: the bells about to ring anyways
Savannah: ah true 
Everyone starts packing their stuff up and I look up and see jack and his friend finn staring in our direction
Savannah: Mariana jack and his friend keep looking over here
Mariana: just ignore them
The bell rings and we head to meet Shania in the hallway her class is in then we all go to different classes, after that class we all meet up again and go to Mr.dobriks class
Shania: wheres annie
Mariana: I don't know I haven't seen her all day
Savannah: me either is she her
Shania: I don't know
Mariana: she better be here
Mr.dobrik: today we have new seats because people in this damn class don't know how to behave
Mariana: what the fuck
Mr.dobrik: you, Savannah, Shania, and Annie can set next to each other you guys behave
Shania: okay yaaah
So we all sit down in our new seats and do all our stuff and then we go to lunch and finally see Annie but she goes and sits with jack and his friends
Shania: what the fuck why doesn't she want to sit with us
Mariana: she does she is just sitting with them today I think
Savannah: should we go over there
Shania: no let's just get lunch
Savannah: okay lets do it
We get lunch sit down and eat then the bell rings
Annie: hey guys
Savannah: hey annie why wasn't you in English
Annie: oh I went with jack and we skipped what did we do
Shania: morning important we got new seats but we all still sit together so it's not bad
Annie: okay lets go ion wanna be late mrs. Kopf gets real mad when we're late
Mariana: she does
So we hard to last period and get our stuff done and then the bell rings and we leave school I go get my brother drop him off at the house then head to shanias where We always go after school
Mariana: guys want to go to the spot
Annie: yeah let's go
We all head to the train tracks and Annie rolls a blunt, we smoke then head to shanias house and take a nap
Annie: Savannah wake up its 10
Mariana: we have been trying to wake you up for ten minutes
Savannah: I'm still high as fuck right now sorry
Shania: my mom said you guys have to leave
Savannah: ah alright bye love you shania
Mariana: love you see you tomorrow
Annie: love you
We all walk up the stairs and leave Shanias house
Annie: bye guys love you
Mariana: hey savannah I don't feel like driving can you take me home and pick me up for school tomorrow and I'll come back and get my car
Savannah: Yeah I got you get in
Mariana: let me play music
Savannah: okay
Mariana starts playing music and i Drive her home
Mariana: bye see you at school tomorrow
Savannah: see ya
I drive home and when I get there my mom is waiting outside
Mom: hey savannah why are you home so late
Savannah: I fell asleep at shanias then drove Mariana home
Mom: oh okay well we had dinner already but if you want I can give you money and you can go get some food
Savannah: nah it's fine I'll just take a shower and go to bed
Mom: okay good night love you, tell your brother I said goodnight I'm going out
Savannah: okay love you
Mom leaves I go upstairs take a shower, and I lay down and watch YouTube and set an alarm because my mom won't be up and fall asleep, I wake up at 7:30 to my alarm I wake up my
Brother get dressed and drive us both to our schools
Mariana: hey savan
Shania: hey savan we've been waiting for you all summer and we're so glad your finally here
Savannah: shut up, so no Annie also today
Mariana: nope
Shania: lets go
We walk Shania to class again and go to our class
Mr.jacobs: today if anyone falls asleep you are getting sent to the office
Savannah: imagine
After an hour of class passes a new kid walks in class
Principal: this is jaeden martell he is new from Philadelphia
Savannah: Mariana he is so hot
Mariana: he kinda is yeah
Savannah: ah damn we have to talk to
Mariana: he sits next you that's the only empty seat
Mr.jacobs: you can sit next to Savannah right there
Jaeden: alright
He sits down
Savannah: hey I'm savannah and this is my friend Mariana, want to let me see your schedule
Jaeden: yeah here
I look at his schedule and see he last period with us and lunch
Savannah: you have last period and lunch with us if you want to sit with us or whatever
Jaeden: yeah I'll think about it now I'm going to take a nap
Savannah: alright have fun
He lays his head down and falls asleep for 2 minutes before mr.jacobs is hoping down his throat to wake up
Mr.jacobs: jaeden you wasn't here when I announced this but if you fall asleep again you will be sent to the office
Jaeden: okay
Me.jacobs turns around and he ends up going back to sleep but mr.jacobs doesn't do anything this time
I see Jaeden wall in with Jack and go sit with him and his friends and Annie
Mariana: guess jaeden isn't sitting here
Savannah: guess not
Shania: is that the new kid
Shania: ah cool let's go get lunch
Jaeden: hey guys imma chill with wyatt and his friends
Shania: okay
Jaeden: who's this
Savannah: this is my friend Shania and my friend annie is sitting with you guys
Jaeden: oh that's your friend
Mariana: yeah
Jaeden: ah okay see you next period
Mariana: see yah
We go sit down and eat
Shania: in science I met this new girl named Madison she's in our next period
Savannah: ahh cool the bells about to ring
Annie: hey guys
Shania: hey annie
Savannah: lets go big dawgs
Shania: alright
We make it to class sit down and see Jaeden and Madison walk In together
Madison: hey shania
Shania: hey Madison this is my friends Savannah, Mariana, and Annie
Madison: cool can I sit with you guys Jaeden is fucking annoying
Shania: oh
Madison: he's my twin brother
Savannah: oh, do you wanna hangout with us today
Annie: we are hanging out
Shania: yeah
Annie: oh I made plans with jack sorry guys
Mariana: it's fine it's not the serious
Annie: okay
Jaeden: hey guys
Madison: go away
Jaeden: imagine They are my friends too fuck off
Madison: whatever
Mariana: it's not serious
Jaeden: okay well I'm going back over here with wyatt
Madison: bye, guys wyatt is so hot but me and my brother have rule rules can't date each other's friends
Mariana: oh that must suck
Savannah: yeah my brother is 12 so idc
Shania: I've dated my brothers friend didn't end up well so not a good idea anyways
Mariana: I remember that it was NOT a good idea at all lol
Madison: yeah that's why we made the rule, but anyways what are we doing after school
Shania: going to Savannah's house
Madison: alright I'm down
Shania: alright, the bells about to ring in Like 2 minutes
Savannah: after school we should get food
Mariana: lets do it
The bell rings

This is my first chapter it's kinda ass but it's fine also it's a bad ending because I don't know how to write bits it's fine :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2019 ⏰

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