Privacy?(Castiel x Reader)

947 9 4

WARNINGS: Smut, invasion of privacy, masterbation, ouh and more smutttt.

Y/N= Your name.  

REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!  just dm me on insta, or message me on here (insta in bio)


"See ya" Sam said closing the door behind him. Sam and Dean were going to work on a weird vamp case all week somewhere, and Cas was having some problems with heaven which gave you plenty on time. You sighed and hurriedly made your way up to your bedroom. As soon as you closed your door you pulled off your shirt and shimmied out of your pants before shuttering as the cold air hit your heated skin. Desire ran through you as you made your way to your bed thinking about the blue-eyed angel. You sank into your bed and pulled the covers over you, running your hands all over your body, you closed your eyes and imagined Cas being the one making you feel that way, touching you, making you needy. You let out a shaky breath as you let your hands ghost over your thighs and make their way to your core. You moaned as your fingers touched your  wet folds, pressing against your throbbing clit. You slipped a finger inside of you and allow your self to moan.

"Cas!!!"  You yell, feeling the bundle inside of you get tighter.

"Yes?". You pull your hands away from yourself in shock and look at the angle with wide eyes. Cas was furrowing his eyebrows and tilted his head in confusion.

"Cas, w-why are you here" you manage to say, still regaining your breath.

"I felt a longing, I sensed you needed me... d-did you not want me here?" Cas asked, and he seemed genuinely confused. You sigh "No Cas I didn't really want you here" you sigh blushing and mentally scolding yourself for thinking you could actually get some alone time. "Why do you desire me Y/N?" Castiel said innocently. You tried your best not to sound like a creep, but every way you thought of answering him sounds creepy.  "Oh, I was just wishing you would touch me"  

You manage to answer "Oh come on Cas you cant ever tell me you haven't ever-" you cut yourself off raising your eyebrows. Your cheeks where on fire and you knew there was no way Castiel hadn't noticed it. "oh..." Cas said standing up straight and blushed, looking at the ground. You sighed from embarrassment and copied the angel's actions. 

His hand touched your chin to drive you to look in to his blue ocean eyes. Your breath hitched and you saw Cas' lust blown pupils before he leaned down and kissed you. The kiss was softer than you'd expected it to be against his slightly chapped lips. You tilted your head as your hands moved to the nape of his neck, slightly tugging on the hairs there. Cas moans against your touch as you keep lightly pulling his hair. 

Cas moves his hands from your face and puts them on your hips , gripping them tightly as you nudge him slightly, taking the hint he sits on the edge of your bed. The both of you break apart, trying to gain your breath back. After a minuet you look in to Cas' eyes "Y/N I-" you cut him off before he could say anything else. You moved to where you where straddling his hips with your legs, grinding on him lightly.

Cas groaned in bliss as your head started to swim from the contact. Castiel moves his mouth along your jaw line and down your neck, sucking slightly. "Cas" you let out a  muffled moan. The angel took you saying his name with such desire as a praise. Cas began to roll his hips up to meet yours, making him have to conceal a moan of pleasure. 

Before you knew it the angel was hovering over you and leaving hickies all over your neck and collar bone. Without thinking, you wrap your legs around Cas' waist and moan out satisfaction as he trails his hands down your sides 

"Is this what you wanted?" He asks you, not stopping to look at you. "Cas please!" you whine, sure you where a bottom but you never liked to be kept waiting. Your body and mind was filled with ambition and lust as he shifted his face to where your lips barely touched "As you wish" he said, and with that the blue eyed angel snapped his fingers and you both where bare and naked. Your skin quivered under him as his body flushed against yours. Cas ran his hands down your sides as he left you hickies on your pulse point, starting to suck there.  After awhile, you find yourself becoming more needy, needing more friction and touch from your blue eyed angel. You wrap your legs around Castiel and slightly rock your ships upwards. Castiel gasps against your neck, and bucks his hips before moving his mouth up towards yours and kissing you passionately. He moved one of his hands up to capture both of yours in it, while the other lined himself up at your entrance. You felt his tip barely in you and buck your hips forward, biting your lip and signaling for him to fill you quicker. 

He listens to your pleads and  slides into you making him groan out in pleasure. "Cas!" you moan. You drag your nails down his back, leaving what your sure are marks there. Cas starts his pace pretty fast to your surprise. You always thought having sex with the angel would be sweet and gentle, but lets just say that you where wrong. You started to feel the knot in your stomach build up as Cas' thrusts became more erratic. You threw your head back in pleasure as you came, giving Castiel the opportunity to suck there. Castiel came soon after you, hitting your g-spot with each offbeat thrust. 

Castiel let out a deep huff as he pulled out and lay beside you. "Y/N?" he asked as you cuddled yourself into his side "hm?" you mumbled "I love you" he said looking down at you. You move your head slightly to look back up into his blue eyes. "I love you too".

(1104 words)

Sorry about the ending being so sucky, and for the wait. Its currently 2:08 and I need coffee lol. Also I have another account and forgot to update. (im so sorry) but this will start being my main account since this account gets lots more reads, btw YAY 70 READS!!! ILY! If yall wanna read my other more holy fanfics its 

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