Cough Lawyer

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"I'm fine."

"May, you just fell off of a couch onto the floor and now you're sitting there coughing."

"They're good coughs!"

"No coughs are good coughs!"

"Lucy, as a licensed cough lawyer, I'm going to have to ask you to take back that offending statement."

"What are you going to do about it? It's not like you'll mmph-

May runs out of the room before Lucy can recover.


"You don't seem to mind much!!"


Lucy is sitting on the very end of the couples seat, may pushed up against her. They are obnoxiously cuddling whole they're friend gape at them cluelessy. I mean, they're snuggling guys, yes they like each other.

"You know, you haven't said it yet."

"Said what?"

"I like you too!"

"Oh come on may, you know I do."

"Yeah but I want to hear it come out of your mouth, not Esme's or Lana's!"

"Alright fine. May, you are very funny, and you have lovely hair. Your eyes shine with every word you say, and I love the way you get over passionate. I like you."



" like?"

"Yes you smeghead, like like!"


May snuggles up close, almost cutting off Lucy's breathing. She peppers her face with kisses and rests her head on her shoulder.


*whispers* "I like like you too."

At this point Esme and Felicia are squealing, finally having caught onto what's happening. Honestly, it took them an age. Much more efficient just telling someone that you.. like like them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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