My name is Jennifer. When I was a little girl, I was playing "hide and seek" with my friends. It was my turn, I was looking for Anna, it was easier to found her because she always ran slowly so she couldn't find a good place to hide. But that time, it was different: I never found her. Three days later she appeared at school. She was late, but she seemed to don't care. She sat on her chair and did everything as normally, the only difference was that she never spoke. She never answered my questions or anybody's, she never opened her mouth, she seemed to have remained silent.
As always, I accompanied her to home, and then I went to mine.
It was my 25th birthday. The next day, at 3:15 a.m, she appeared at my house. She knocked the door slowly, I was scared. I opened the door and she walked slowly into my house. She acted like in school, fifteen years ago: she never spoke, but this time she never blinked. It was weird. Three days before I watched "The Grudge", so I could identify the sound she made there. I was totally shocked. I ran away, but she seemed to follow me.
I lived in San Diego. I moved to San Francisco, and then to New York. Then, I moved to Washington D.C. There, she gave me a clown. I accepted, you can't say "no" to someone who's demoniac. I put that clown on the attic.
My friend Samantha went to my house four days later. She was looking for toys. I gave her the clown. The next day she called me and said that the clown disappeared. I went to the attic and I saw it: a little clown covered with blood. I ran down and called Samantha. She never answered. I went to her house, but she wasn't there.
A month passed and nothing happened. It was strange. I was making a smoothie, but when I looked down, there weren't fruits: there was the clown, I was scared. I killed the clown Anna gave me, but nothing happened. Maybe the grudge was done, or maybe I was already dead...