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Shadow Mage by Mark Potter
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Format: Novel
Chapters: 21
Word Count: 56,795
Rating: 15+
Warnings: Mild Language
Genres: AU, Drama
Characters: Draco, Ginny, Harry, Cho, Dumbledore, Hermione, Neville, OC,
Remus Lupin, Ron, Sirius Black, Snape, Voldemort, Fred/George, Tonks,
Lucius, Peter Pettigrew, M. McGonagall
First Published: 09/13/2005
Last Chapter: 02/07/2006
Last Updated: 02/07/2006
Harry is framed for the murder of Cedric just after the third task.
Chapter 1: A dark begining
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A/N; Here is my new story.
Warning, this is Harry turns into a girl, like my other story, but I'm not
planning on pairing her with anyone.
I don't own Harry Potter or its character, and please review.
Azkaban Prison
In the small cell, a messy haired boy, whom was barely fifteen years old,
is suffering from the affects of Dementors, which roam the outside
corridors, and making him relive the horrible night, that just happen
almost a week ago.
Flashback Tri-Wizard Tournament end of third task
As Dumbledore and many of the officials watch from the stands, they saw
both Harry and Cedric disappear from the center of the maze." Headmaster
is this part of the tournament?" Fudge the Minster of Magic asked." No
something is wrong." Dumbledore worriedly said, then using a sonorous
spell." All professors, and Aurors, we need to remove the maze
immediately, so everyone get on the grounds now!" Dumbledore voice sounded
throughout the stands, and the ones that were called upon were quickly
leaving their seats.
Sometime later, as Dumbledore and the others arrived at the center of the
maze, Dumbledore was not surprised, at seeing his friend, the battled scar
Made Eye Moody already at the center, but was horrified at what laid
before him, a stunned Harry Potter, and a very dead Cedric." Mad-Eye, what
just happened?" Dumbledore asked, as he and others stepped up to the ex