hp and the search for the soul

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Harry Potter and the Search for the Soul by minniemcmouse

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Format: Novel

Chapters: 29

Word Count: 96,840


Rating: 12+

Warnings: Mild Language, Mild Violence,

Genres: Drama, Action/Adventure, Angst

Characters: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore, Lupin, McGonagall, Snape,

Tonks, Voldemort, OC


First Published: 07/27/2005

Last Chapter: 03/22/2007

Last Updated: 06/02/2007


Banner by Iced_Cherriez. Harry's sixth year has finally come to an end

and he finds that the Order isn't going to let him get away on his own

without a fight. So, with much assistance, Harry embarks on his

toughest challenge yet - find and destroy Voldemort and the Horcruxes

before Voldemort can destroy the Wizarding world. [POST HBP]

Chapter 1: Accepting Assistance

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Chapter One

The smile which had been present on Voldemort’s face when Severus Snape

had finally shown him his memory of killing Dumbledore had been almost

frightening but he knew it was a good thing. It had to be a good thing,

right? He had just killed the leader of Voldemort’s opposition… his own


He sank back onto the bed wondering for the millionth time that night

whether death would have been better for him. Dumbledore would have been

alive and Potter wouldn’t be attempting to beat Voldemort on his own. A

smirk touched Severus’s face. He knew that Potter would be trying to go it

alone, almost certainly believing that because Dumbledore had entrusted

the secrets of the Horcruxes to him then he must be the one to destroy


Wormtail was still downstairs, still wandering about almost silently,

eavesdropping on anything and everything he could. Mostly fire calls from

other Death Eaters and one instance of a meeting with Voldemort. That one

had almost cost the rat his life.

Severus hit his head hard on the wall as he stared through the dirty

windows into the Muggle street beyond. Dumbledore, the old fool! How were

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2008 ⏰

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