the shed | prologue

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"Anyone who thinks that sunshine is pure happiness, has never danced in the rain."


            It's raining heavily and Beam forgot to bring his umbrella. He silently cursed and looked at the darkening sky. Somehow, the sound of the of the heavy rain on the roof of the shed calmed his thoughts like it was singing a lullaby to his ears. He closed his eyes feeling the damp air touch his body, he smiled at the sensation.

            When he was just a young boy her mother used to tell her that the rain washes all the impurities of the world and make it new again. He never really understand why his mother love the rain so much. He would always frown whenever his mother tells her that. He opened his eyes and smiled sadly at the sudden memories.

            He was lost in his thoughts when a motorcycle suddenly stopped in front of him. He watched the driver get off and walked towards his way. The driver then takes his helmet off while shaking his wet hair. He knew this man, he's Forth of the Engineering Faculty. The infamous head hazer who's language is trouble. Feared by men and adored by women is his tagline. Beam always hear the rumors about this guy even in his faculty. Amidst the rumors, he always see the vulnerability and longing in the man's eye which everyone seemed to miss. He just shaked his head and returned his gaze at the raindrops falling from the roof.



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            Beam patiently waited for Pha to pick him up. The man beside him is still not moving and the silence is killing him. The awkwardness stops when he saw Phana's car coming. He hesitated if he's going to say goodbye or not because they didn't really have a conversation. In the end he decided to just waved his hand at the man and hurriedly gets in the car.

            Forth is stunned while looking at the retreating back of the beautiful doctor. He knew Beam before in the Campus Moon competition, he and a small cute boy is always in their rehearsals cheering for their friend.

            When he saw Beam he didn't know why his gaze is always fixed at him. He silently steals a glance every time he gets an opportunity because the doctor really captured his attention.

            He just smiled lightly and waved his hand back to the moving car. It took a while before the rain subdued. When the rain completely subsided he immediately got up stretching his back and walked towards his bike. His body is soaking wet now and he really needs a warm bath and some beers. He quickly drove away while thinking of the beautiful doctor's face.

The Shed | forthbeamWhere stories live. Discover now