One Punch

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The house was quiet as a graveyard. Kaleb's mother was on duty in "Saint Paul's hospital" and his brother was already deeply asleep. The phone on the desk buzzed and Kaleb got up to check it. Exi had sent the location of the bar he was right now and Kaleb didn't even think when he flew out of the house. He took out his motorcycle of the garage and started the motor, trembling softly from the cold night breeze. He rode through the empty streets of Liverpool, enjoying the calmness of the night and the beauty of the city lights.
Exi was sitting in front of the bar, smoking something that didn't smell like cigarette. His full black outfit and pulled up hood, made him look suspicious, but there was no one on the street in twelve o'clock in Wednesday so Kaleb walked straight to him.
-We've gotta go inside. I don't want to be pulled by the cops.- Exi threw the cigarette on the ground and opened the door of the bar. Kaleb heard the clank of glass and the yelling of drunken people coming out of the place and wondered why somebody, would even come in such a smelly and degenerated place. And then he saw him. The only person that could make him feel like falling apart.The moody quiet boy, that he knew for four years and never got the balls to speak to. Kaleb's heart leaped in his throat, when the boy turned his head toward the door, his curls falling in his gray eyes. Kaleb tried to react but accidentally pushed Exi, who dropped a small pack of pills on the ground. Kaleb stepped on it, so that nobody would see it and when he made sure everyone was distracted he bented and took the package.
-What the fuck was that, mate!? Are you trying to get me busted!?- Exi whispered huskyly.
-Sorry, mate. Got distracted.
Exi shakes his head and extended his hand,where Kaleb dropped some money. He then looked at where the boy was sitting, but he was gone. He as well as half of the people in the bar.
-Where did everyone go?
Exi looked at him while drinking.
-There will be a fight downstairs . Wanna go check it out?
Kaleb nodded, wondering why his classmate would be interested in a bar fight.
They started walking toward a staircase leading to dark and even smellier basement. Kaleb saw kegs with beer and various boxes stored in the corners. The walls were in yellowish white and the floor was wet from beer and spilt. The place was surprisingly full of people and they were pushing around trying to get a better view of a boxing ring in the middle of the room. Kaleb understood why his classmate disappeared so suddenly.
He was now sitting in the right corner, shirtless, exposing his slender but wiry and muscular figure. His bended posture and the scar under his eye made Kaleb shiver with intimidation. The boy's cold eyes were glowing with confidence and concentration and he looked like hungry wolf. He was eyeing another man in the other corner, much bigger and brawnier than him. The guy was laughing and making ugly gestures, showing his broken teeth.
Kaleb tried to move through the crowd. His heart was pounding and his ears were buzzing as he understood what was going to happened. He tried pushing people around but the crowd was too thick
-Johnny!! -he shouted through the voices. Kaleb stopped for a bit. For first time he spoke his name in front of him.- Johnny, what are you doing!?
The boy turned his head toward the crowd, searching for the person who was screaming his name. He fixed his gaze on Kaleb and blinked in surprise. Kaleb stopped in his tracks secretly admiring the other boy's cold beauty.Johnny shaked his head, with angry grimace and turned toward an old man standing behind him. The guy told him something Kaleb couldn't hear and Johnny nodded.
For Kaleb's distress the bartender jumped over the ropes of the ring and grabbed a microphone.
-Oi Oi, lads! Good evening and welcome! I hope you already laid you bets for this ultimate fight! Tonight you will see the match of the best of the best. In the left corner with the impresive weight of 96 kilograms, only one lose, the pride of the British underground- Bull Johnson- he made a pause for the big guy to get up, and make sign at Johnny with ugly grimace, while the crowd was cheering- And on the right corner- with weight of 70 kilos, the Norwegian beauty, full of rage and talent, never lost a fight- One- punch Johnny .
Johnny got on his feet, moving slowly in almost bored manner and got to the middle of the ring. Bull was at least a head above  Johnny, but he throwed him a glare full of hatred while the bartender explained the rules. There was a loud gong and Johnny striked first, almost knocking the big guy of. Bull laid on the ropes behind him and pushed himself toward Johnny. He missed and got hit in the stomach. Johnny got behind him, but Bull was faster and stroked him in the mouth, which made the boy's head turn to the other side spitting blood. Johnny tasted the metallic sente, almost deaf for the screams of the crowd. Kaleb's heart stopped for a second seing the blood on the floor. Johnny wedged the men between the ropes and himself, hitting him multiple times in the ribs and in the face until the gong was heard. The fighters seated in theirs corners. Some people where congratulating Johnny while his coach tried to stop his lip from bleeding.
Kaleb went back to Exi.
-When this madness will be over, for God's sake!?-Exi lifted his shoulders- He is going to kill Johnny!
- Nah mate, actually Johnny is performing pretty well. And he is the best, ya know. Don't put your knickers in a twist!
-What..- the other part of Kaleb's question was muffled by the third gong and he turned toward the ring in desperation.
Johnny tried to hit the bigger guy, but he knocked him in the guts, then in the liver and finally in the cheek, causing him to fall on the ground. The whole room went silent. Kaleb holded his breath in shock and horror.
Johnny felt the hard nasty floor. He breathed heavily, not feeling the pain anymore. He thought he was drowning, falling deeply in the ocean, fighting for his breath.Everything went slower. His eyes were open, but he couldn't see anything from the atmosphere around him. The only thing he saw was a blond boy with a sharp blade coming toward him.
- No- Johnny screamed getting up knocking his opponent with one final punch. Bull fell to the ground unconscious.
The cheering of the crowd after that felt like thunderstorm.Kaleb felt sick and stumbled toward the door, trying to escape the scene from earlier. He hated people fighting, and seeing Johnny do it like that made him feel even worse.

The chill night air calmed his uneasiness and he inhaled deeply. He couldn't stop repeating the scene he just witnessed. He remembered Exi's words " He is the best". He had so many questions, that were never going to be answered and felt like vomiting.That made him support himself on the wall next to the door and stare at the floor, fidgeting his fingers around the package in his pocket. Few seconds later the door swinged open and Kaleb jumped in shock. A black hooded figure that he could recognize everywhere got out of the bar lighting a cigarette and stopping in the middle of the side walk, inhaling a cloud of smoke.
-J- Johnny. -Kaleb could barely find his voice to speak. He didn't have to say anything else as Johnny turned to face him with fury in his eyes, smoke coming ot of his nostrils. His cheek was bandaged and the scar under his eye was barely seable. His sharp, coloured in blue from the hits, features were tightened with anger and Kaleb felt a flicker of fear. However he couldn't bare to see his beautiful face in such devastating look, so he tried to speak again, but Johnny snapped faster.
-Wot you saw is none of your business Baxley and if you speak to anyone about it..You are ended.- Kaleb felt his heart leap by this words. Johnny turned to the other side and started walking away.
-At least let me give a ride home!- he shouted desperately after the other boy. Johnny raised his middle finger, telling him to piss off and waived a cab.

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