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In the past, my Sunday mornings were filled with the comforting routine of breakfast prepared by Claudia, followed by church and brunch with her friends. But now, in this unfamiliar home, a familiar place of worship is lacking, and the company of people to share a meal with is missing.

I wasn't always raised in the church, but it became a known thing for Ellie and me whenever we wanted to feel safe from home. The first time the building was encountered was a story that still marked my wrist. The scar is darker now, but the memory of it is fresh. Because of this scar, the church was found, which Claudia followed.

Now I have to do Sundays without her. Claudia messages me the scripture of the day while I'm getting dressed. Since she can't tell me in person, I have to start getting used to this new way of our miniature biblical talks.

Claudia: Here's one for you, since you watched that movie yesterday. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

Me: It won't happen again.

Something tells me that's a lie. I want to know how that movie ended.

I thank her as always and then I move on to getting ready to find a way out of this apartment and into a dorm room. I would much rather have to share a bathroom and get bossed around by an R.A. than be in this place. I hope the girls are not seen when leaving the apartment, especially Trixie. With her room near mine, things I'm not sure I need to hear are heard. She is extremely loud and it seems like she is given a good time by whoever was in there with her last night.

I am trying my best but luck continues to elude me. The line at the housing office is already extending to the other side. As the afternoon wears on, my legs grow weary. The moment I reach the front, the lady in the cubicle abruptly shuts her blinds and places a closed sign. A collective groan echoes through the crowd behind me, including myself. 

"What the hell, man!" the male behind me shouts. I turn around, seeing many heads shaking and students walking away, chattering. Defeat, starvation, and tiredness are not felt by me alone.

I text Claudia to share my lack of luck. In response, she encourages me to give it another try. What she doesn't know is that hundreds of freshman like me are trying to change their living arrangements.

Feeling discouraged, I exit the residential building and discover the food court. A cozy library is on the upper floor, while a designated study area is downstairs. It feels Zen in here, almost like I could live or spend the rest of my time here. It isn't too loud, and those who make noises are only passing by.

I glance around, then shift away from the long line of students waiting for their meals. That's when I notice a cluster of familiar faces huddled around a table. They have chosen a secluded spot near a corner, with a wall adorned with artificial plants as their backdrop.

Among them is a new addition - a girl with short black hair and a partially shaved head. She is perched on the top edge of the booth, plucking at the fake flowers behind her and playfully tossing them at Delilah, who is seated beside her. The guys I had seen the previous night are also there, and I am almost certain I see a glimpse of Trixie trying to blend in.

I am closer to them than I am near the door.

After what I heard last night, I don't want to interact with them or make eye contact with Trixie, so I decide to take a different route and walk away. However, my attempt to escape their presence is futile when I hear Delilah call out, "Roomie!" Still struggling to recall my name, I plan on ignoring her, until one of the guys corrects her. "Erm... Amelia!" she shouts.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now