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Trevor and I sat close to the front so I could see the professor better. Professor Brown starts class by handing out our first couple of assignments that we can already get a head start on.

"I am sure you are just as smart as you look, so we can probably finish this all in one day together," Trevor mumbles while glancing at the paper. "Piece of cake."

I glance over at him admiring that he said that. Knowing me I would finish it all tonight just to get it out of the way. He gives me a pleasing smile. I like this guy, better than I like my roommates, he and I can definitely be friends. As long as he's not like Chase.

"Now, I am a poor old man and I do get tired grading all of your things," the professor continues to ramble. "So, I hired an assistant to help me out, he was a student of mine that was inspired by me two years ago and hopefully you leave this class taking something good from it as he did."

"I didn't think Professors have teacher assistants." I lean over, whispering to Trevor.

"It's not really a teacher assistant, it's usually college students. It's a class they take to get credit or something." He informs me.

"Oh" Is all I say.

"Everyone please welcome Mr. Hamilton." Out walks Chase in the same attire as yesterday but neater, ironed, and tucked in. Even his hair is gelled back.

"You have to be kidding?" I groan.

I look over and noticed Trevor's eyes hood. "It would be him." He groans to himself.

"I'm taking you're not a fan either?" I ask.

"I hate him." His jaw is clenched tight and he has a tight-lipped smile, he hates him that bad?

Chase waves, while others call out for him cheerfully. Even the girls all the way up in the back seats are attempting to gain his attention. Like they are all friends with him. By the looks of it, everyone is aware of him, I guess.

"How famous is he around here?" I tease.

"Not famous enough to be liked for the person he is, only his looks. He's one of the many womanizers in the school. That man screwed up so many relationships since last year. There's a record in the books." Trevor placed his arm on my armrest and starts biting his fingers, I usually do the same thing when I am nervous or annoyed. "It's nothing but his damn tool between his legs."

"I don't want to barge in your business, but including your relationship?" I look at him with a curious face, I am not sure why I asked but it is a good guess.

"Sadly, it did." He frowns. "We were together for three years, planning to get an apartment freshman year, but then that happened."

 "I'm sorry that happened to you." I place my hands on his for support. "No one likes a jerk."

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now