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"So far, so good

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"So far, so good.", Is what I told Nolan about my first few days of college. Today is Wednesday. I still have yet to attend one more class, which is Chemistry and it's not till Thursday.

"You look good, where are you going?" Delilah asked me while I walked out of my room in my jogging tights and sports bra. Is it not obvious?

"Going for a run, would you like to join?" That is what I choose to say instead.

"I'm ok, I have to get ready for tonight." She says while grabbing a beer out of the fridge. In the time I have been here, I have noticed that Delilah eats a lot and drinks a lot of beer. Yet, she still looks like a model. She also wakes up early and seems to be serious about school. In comparison to her roomie across the hall from her, Delilah is more sociable and neater. Trixi on other hand, doesn't seem to know how to wash her own dishes. I only do them because it drives my OCD crazy.

"Another party?" I ask.

"Yes." She sips her beer. "It would be here, but some random from the school promoted their party anonymously. It's a house party, you should come."

Her invite is kind and all, but I must do my work and I know if Nolan and Claudia found out they will flip. Though, it does sound very tempting, and I don't have morning classes tomorrow, only one-night class.

"I just feel bad for having that party after the picnic, the other day and on your first night. I should've told you about It first." As I said, she is nothing like Trixi.

"Thanks, It's no big deal."

"You're inviting her to the house party? She went to bed at 9 o'clock yesterday." Speaking of the other one. Trixi walks out with black shorts and fish nets; her harsh look really does fit her.

I know she does not like me, so I am not surprised. I don't have time to babysit anyone." She growls.

"You know what I'll go," I say proving a point to Trixi. I hate to admit she is intimidating, but I can't let her know that. I am sure she will use it against me.

They told me they would wait for me to come back from my jog, and it did not even take that long only thirty minutes. While jogging, I noticed that I was not the only one on the campus. Since the campus is near the city, I could also jog near the park. I get out of my sweaty clothes and jump in the shower.

When I got out, I placed on a light blue floral lace dress that reached my thighs, I put on white sandals and fix my hair. I ignore my face though since I don't use makeup, except mascara and lip gloss. Claudia and even Nolan attempted various times to get me into it, but I never looked like myself.

"Ok, I'm ready to go." I walk out of the room looking at them sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"Wow." Delilah exaggerates. "You look, cute." She smiles but I can tell she has something else to say by the high pitch in her tone.

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