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I stand by the door of a room while Chase is inside finding me something else to wear. As he does, I hope he doesn't bring up the whole Virgin thing to anyone. I would not want people to know my business like that, it is all too personal.

"I don't have sex with virgins." His voice repeats in my head for no apparent reason. There's nothing wrong with it. I am still a Virgin because Nolan and I decided to wait for marriage. It feels almost silly for me to have my life all planned out; I just want everything to be perfect for us, plus I want my own children raised under a good foundation. If I ever did want to have sex with him, he would remind me about our promise.

It's not easy to be a virgin when you don't want to be. I love Nolan and I wouldn't mind sharing a piece of me with him now, he's been there for it all, the good and bad.

"This is the best I've seen." He walks out with a black jumpsuit that has a golden belt in the middle. He hands it to me and points to the bathroom.

It doesn't look like it would fit me, but I'm willing to try.

"Thank you," I say.

"For what?" He plasters a smile, waiting for me to say something he wants to hear.

My eyes roll. I wasn't going to thank him for earlier, but I guess since he is helping me out, it is an exception, only for tonight though. Hopefully, there is no more nights like this. "For picking me to do the assignment first, and for this. Despite your rudeness, this is your second time being helpful." I tell him trying to hold back the bitterness.

Maybe he can be a good person. Too bad I won't be around him enough to know if he truly can be.

"That's all I wanted." His eyes glinted with a wide grin and I smile back, unexpectedly. "It was about time someone taught you manners."

"Have you seen yourself?" I laugh. "If anyone doesn't have manners it's you." I scoff.

I notice how he is still wearing the same attire from earlier, but his button shirt is unbuttoned, and his hair is once again a mess. He looks like he just got done wrestling with someone; someone like Trixi.

I caught myself gawking and walked away.

I tried the outfit he had handed me and unfortunately, I am not able to see the bottom of my feet and the shoulders slides off too much. It also shows most of my white lace bra that would be too embarrassing to let show.

This is not acceptable.

"Does it fit?" I hear his voice from the side of the door as I opened it, my body jumped lightly in fear. I held on to the front part of the Jumpsuit, so the girls do not show.

I walk out showing him how bad it looks. "No, it doesn't fit," I speak over the music, "it's medium and I'm a small."

Chase couldn't help himself and laugh at me. "You look like a little girl trying on her mom's clothes." He mocks.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now