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"How did you possibly manage to leave your phone?" I pace back and forth while trying to calm my nerves.  

"Will you relax? There's plenty of ways to get back." He is calmer than I am, which calms me down but still worries me.

Does he do this often? I thought to myself.

Still doesn't help the fact that I'm far from the apartment and I'm out this late. If I was was to do this at home, Claudia will throw a huge fit. 

He pulls the flask out again and takes a sip. Why is he drinking so much? He already had alcohol at the party, and his eyes are red enough. He gets up from the pavement and stumbles towards me. 

"Maybe you should sit back down while I find a way to get home." I tell him. I am worried he might hurt himself. 

"No, I'm perfectly fine. Stay here I'll be back." He takes steps towards the front of the store and walks in before I was able to stop him. I will sit out here and wait. 

I sit on the pavement and pull out my phone wanting to hear from Nolan, better yet Claudia. I need to hear a familiar voice; I miss home already. 

A loud truck rushed through the gas station and parked at the furthest pump. Voices from a far distance come near, a couple of guys with beer bellies and beards, walk out of the truck, slamming the doors shut.

I don't make eye contact, but I can tell from the moment they were pulling in they had their eyes on me.

One whistle, causing me to poke my head up at them. I move my bangs out of my face. 

"You're cute." The bald one says with a crooked smile. 

I ignore him, my face shifting cautiously, hoping that they leave me alone. This would've been a perfect time to use the pepper spray Claudia bought me. I glanced around the empty dark road.

No one is here to witness anything.

Once I heard their footsteps approaching me, I instantly hoped Chase would come out. "Did you not hear me?" Taking me by surprise, he pulls me up from the ground by my arms and pulls me into him. My heart jumped out my chest for a split second and I suddenly forgot the skill I had from Karate.

I shrieked. Scared of what can happen my fight or flight senses shut down.

It all happened so fast I was not sure how to react. "Let go of me." I cry and hit him as much as I can, so he can release his grip. 

Where is Chase when I need him around? Better yet my pepper spray.

His friend with ginger hair walks up and smiles while grabbing his crotch. "You shouldn't be so rude." 

I am going to throw up now. The bald head that has a tight grip on me has a horrible breath of cigarettes and alcohol. I force myself to get away from him face, the closer he gets the more I want to vomit.

"What should we do with her boss." The ginger walks around me, making me feel uncomfortable. I can feel him playing with my hair and even sniffing it. 

"I'm not sure yet." He pulls me in closer. 

"You're an idiot if you think I'm going anywhere with you." I spit at him. "Help!" I scream.  

How did I even manage to get myself in this situation? 

"You know what. I think I'm going to take you home with me." He tugs me away from the store. I kick, scream, and hit; hoping to harm him in some way.  

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now