The Fright of Their Life

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"C'mon, try 'fight me, punks!" Blake screamed at Lucas and Albert when he heard them cursing at him under their breaths.

"NEVER! YOU ARE STUPID AND WE HATE YOU!" Albert yelled as he dodged two punches. Lucas grabbed Albert and they ran.

"Yeah, run you skinny little freaks!" Blake high fived his friends and they walked towards the bathroom. Once they went into the bathroom they started talking and laughing.

"Yo, man, you scared 'em so bad." Jax laughed.

"Duuuude, here." Aaron handed Blake a vape when the bell rang.

"Damn, I got to go to take a test. Can't skip it, my teacher is an idiot so she'll actually give me points off." Hunter said

"Which teacher?" Blake questioned.

"Spanish." Hunter rolled his eyes.

"Well, remember that we are being princesses for halloween." Blake responded.

"Men's bathrooms are disgusting." Bree stated as Hunter left.

"Ha, this is the cleanest its been in weeks."

The Raptors were the most popular kids in school. They bullied and tormented, but they still got top in the charts. The Raptors consisted of the alpha Blake, Jax, Aaron, Hunter, and Bree. Most of the time you would catch them skipping classes or punching some kids. Either way, there was nothing to control them. Every single teacher was scared of them. Nothing.

* * *

"Happy Halloween!" Jax said.

"Yo, nice Cinderella!" Hunter chuckled as he walked up to the boy. He was Belle, Bree was supposed to be Snow White, but the Raptors haven't seen her for a few days.

"Aaron! Sleeping Beauty?" Jax screamed down the street.

"'Course! She's my favorite, 'cause she got to sleep for 100 years!" They all laughed. The boys were waiting for Blake and his older brother. The Raptors normally got to school that way.

"AH! OH MY GOD!" Something had pulled Jax into the bush. The boys stepped back and stared in awe.

"Wha-what just h-happened?" Hunter asked Aaron.

"I. Have. No. Idea."

"Blake was supposed to be here 5 minutes ago, he could help us."

"Shoot, shoot, shoot, sho-"

"BOO!" Blake and Jax jumped up from behind the bush.

"OH MY GOD I AM GOING TO KILL YOU I COULD'VE HAD A HEART ATTACK WHAT WERE YOU THINKING I WANT TO SAY SO MUCH WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!" Aaron was shaking on the ground by now and Hunter was laughing his head off.

"How? Wow you're good, man. Was Jax in on this before the bush?"

"Nah, wanted to grab him by surprise then scare you guys by surprise. Stop being such a wuss Aaron, it was just a stupid Halloween prank."

"F-fine. Where is-is your bro?"

"Should be here any minute now." Honk, honk!

"Get in creeps, now or never." It was Kalmin, Blake's older brother.

When they finally got to school Blake hopped out followed by Jax, Hunter, and Aaron. The teens went into school with all the Halloween decorations up.

"Blake Hampton plea-se report t-o the off-ic-e." The scratchy 1800's loudspeaker and Principal Jackson's voice didn't go together.

"What does she want? Ugh, I'll be back. Bathroom, 8:15 am. Be there, or else." And Blake departed.

"Hello Mr.Hampton. Please take a seat."

"What is it this time? Vape? Skipping? Fights? Can we get this over with?"

"Well, it is none of that. It's, er, your outfi-" A sudden white cloud filled the room and Blake couldn't see a thing. Then he took a deep breath in and a sharp pain filled his lungs which made the stress build up inside him. The teen gasped around the room trying to find anything to his capability as his breaths became almost nothing. The boy found the door, yet it was locked. His eyes rolled back in his head, he was dead.

* * *

"Where is he?"

"It's 8:46, where could he be?"

"Should we look?"

"Yeah I would." So the three of them headed out of the bathroom to search for Blake.

"Weird, were the lights off before? And weren't there kids and teachers?"

"Uh, this is bizarre." Then there was a gunshot then a scream. Hunter and Aaron looked around.

"Jax?" Both of them said. No response.

"JAX!?" No response.

"OH MY GOD!" Hunter pointed ahead. It was Jax. They sprinted up to get a better look.

"No, no, no, no, NO!" They both fell to their knees. Jax was dead, a bullet hole through his head. Aaron broke down crying and he was shaking again.

"What-t is-is going o-on?" Aaron wondered out loud.

"I don't know. Just stay calm, stop being a baby."


"Why. Why. WHY? My life is a total mess. I liked Bree that is the only reason I joined this idiotic group." Hunter fell to his knees crying.

"I think she liked you too." A voice exclaimed.

"What? Who are you?"

"You know who I am." Just as the voice said that, Albert emerged with Aaron in his hands. Albert threw Aaron onto Jax.

"Why? WHY?" Hunter couldn't hold anything in anymore. He was crying and screaming in terror. When the teen examined Aaron he noticed a mark on his head. Albert must have hit him with an object.

"I don't know, maybe Blake has caused my depression, anxiety, and fear of school! I've suffered with him since Kindergarten! 'Never again' I told myself after the most recent fight. Lucas and I developed a plan in which involved one of you. We were trying to figure out who to use, then it dawned on us. We had heard Bree crying in the janitor closet. We talked to her and she confessed. She hated the Raptors and the only reason she joined was because she heard you were joining. So she helped us. We created a robot as the principal and had it call Blake to the office. When he entered we put Fentanyl in the room. It's a drug that could kill in an instance. So Blake was dead. Then everyone left because a few weeks ago our school sent out a permission slip for the Haunted House experience. Of course, you guys didn't get it because you guys weren't in class. We knew Jax would run ahead and be an idiot when you went to look for Blake, so I had Lucas with a gun ready. Bree had informed us about how you would call Aaron a baby and Aaron hates that, so we had her ready with bat to knock him out so hard, he'll die. The only one left is you. Hunter. Oh, poor, poor, Hunter." Just then Bree and Lucas emerged from the shadows.

"I'm sorry." Bree said. Her ocean eyes were so deep and sad.

"Please, have mercy!"

"You have never had mercy on us, so why should we have mercy on you!?" Lucas responded.

"Hunter. I'm sorry." With that Bree put a Band-Aid looking thing on his mouth and nose. The boy looked up, and took a short breath. The teen got dizzy then let his head fall on the floor.

Hunter was dead.

(A/N Thanks for reading. I would like as much feedback as you can because this is for a spooky contest at my school. Thanks!)

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