October 10th, 2019 (Pattern)

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Monique opened yet another drawer and rummaged through it. Panicking and repeating, "Where is it? Where the heck is it?", to herself. She was tearing her room apart.

"Monique, what are you looking for? You need to calm down, please!" Anthony told her with obvious concern.

"No! I need to find it." Monique replied refusing to listen.

"Find what?" Anthony asked.

"The disk my father gave me," Monique said. "It was in here, I swear to god it was."

"Why exactly do you need it?" He asked with confusion. "You've torn up your entire room just for a disk?"

"It's not just a disk, Anthony! Monique snapped back. "My father gave me this disk after he showed me what was on it when I was a little girl. I didn't think anything of it at that time and just threw it in my room. My brain suppressed those memories, but now I'm seeing what I saw years ago in increments all over the city."

"And so you think this disk will explain what you've been seeing recently?" Anthony asked.

"Well, I hope so. I have a feeling it just might." She said while trying to go through her closet. "Before my father died he told me to always look at things twice and never let stuff go. If I feel something deep inside, pursue it. It's a pattern, Anthony, and I feel in my gut that this disk is the answer to what I have been seeing."

"I hope so because you're starting to freak me out, more than usual," Anthony said.

"I FOUND IT!" Monique shouted with excitement and relief as she picked up an old Michael Jackson CD case, opened it and took the disk she was looking for out. There was something written on it. It said, in exquisite handwriting, "Today is the time you see this again, love dad"

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