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Twilight Sparkle dropped the stack of books she was levitating, turning as Rainbow Dash flew in through the library window.

"What's wrong, Rainbow!? Is Ponyville in danger?" Twilight looked out through the open window, but there was nothing to see but blue skies and puffy white clouds.

"Ponyville? No, just me!" Dash darted around the room like a hummingbird, not sticking to one place for more than an instant. Wide-eyed and panting, Rainbow turned to Twilight. "You gotta let me hide in here!"

"Hide?" Twilight asked, one eyebrow raised. "Really. Rainbow Dash, hiding? From what?"

"Not what! Who!"

"Ohhhhh Daaaaa-shieeee," a high-pitched voice sing-songed from outside the library, setting Dash's mane and tail on end.

"Horse apples!" the pegasus squeaked, zipping up into Twilight's bedroom. There was a thud and a squeak of wood on wood before silence fell. The quiet was interrupted by a musical knocking on the front door, set to some tune Twilight didn't recognize.

"Come in!" Twilight called, opening the door with a casual application of magic. Nopony was there. Before Twilight could even react she caught movement from the corner of her eye: it was Pinkie Pie, hopping in through the same window Dash had just used.

"Hiya Twilight!"

Twilight blinked, glancing back and forth between the door and the window. She shrugged and shut the door, turning to smile at her newest guest. "Good afternoon, Pinkie Pie!" Twilight's horn glowed as she lifted up one of the books she'd dropped on the floor. "Can I help you with something?"

"Uh huh, uh huh!" Pinkie replied, hopping in place. "I'm looking for Rainbow Dash. Have you seen her?"

Twilight hmmed, pretending to browse through the book she was levitating. "I'm not sure." She turned to look at Pinkie again. "What do you need her for?"

Pinkie wiggled. "Our veryvery first date ever was three months ago today!"

Twilight smiled wide. "That's quite the little anniversary. Congratulations!"

"Thanks!" Pinkie said with a bounce, her face nearly split in two by a tremendous grin.

The librarian shelved a book, fidgeting with it for several seconds and peering with one eye, not releasing her magical grip until certain it was placed just so. "Mind if I ask you a few questions later about your relationship? The transition from close friends to long-term relationship could be an interesting topic of research on the magic of friendship."

"Sure!" Pinkie leaned closer, waggled her eyebrows, and dropped her voice to conspiratorial levels. "As long as you tell me where Rainbow Dash is."

Twilight tilted her head forward and whispered, "In my room. Under the bed, I think. But you didn't hear it from me."

"Hear what?" Pinkie gave an exaggerated wink before turning away. She somehow hopped silently up the stairs, Twilight watching all the while.

"How does she do that with everything she eats?" Twilight asked herself under her breath, then shrugged and put another book away with meticulous attention. "They really are a cute couple. I wonder why Rainbow Dash is trying to run away from her?"

"Awgh!" came a voice from above, and then a high-pitched giggling.

"Got you!" Pinkie cackled. "Goochie goochie goo!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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