The Adventure Begins

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Hey y'all, I haven't written a fanfiction in like 3 years so looks like were on this adventure together. I got this idea stuck in my head and its been playing over and over in my head for a week. If any of the facts seem strange at first, just give it some time, I promise i have a plan. I'll apologize now for any grammatical errors. And as always I do not own Percy Jackson or any of its charachters. Despite my want to, all I own is the plot line.

---------------------------------------------------------- Percy's POV
              I was under the impression this was a place for people like me. Yet once again, I'm on my own. Well mostly alone, I always have Grover, but some times a guy needs more than just his half goat best friend.
              I chanced a glance at the table with all the golden hair. With the grey eyes, I added as an after thought. Because really the golden hair table could also be Apollo. Which makes sense, but why do the Athena kids have the golden hair? I shook my head in an attempt to ignore my adhd type habits.
           My gaze specifically fell to a certain Athena kid with princess curls. The one who told me I drool when I sleep, not to be confuses with the one that said I had ambrosia in my hair. Dang, I'm getting off topic again. Or would this still fall on letting my mind wander to the golden hair table.
       I shook my head gain trying to clear it, and it mostly worked. Thus leaving me with my thoughts of Annabeth Chase. I thought she and I were getting along fine, then we played capture the flag, and suddenly she won't even look at me? We won, so I couldn't have played that bad. Or did I? How do you measure a capture the flag game with weapons? Maybe I sucked worse than I thought? Is it possible that I did so terribly she doesn't even want to see me? Annnnnddd..... Off topic again. Good job Jackson.
        I picked at my food and found my thoughts had wandered from Annabeth to my mom. I can't even begin to describe how much I miss her. It's not like I deserve it, and she sure didn't deserve to die.
         While I was wallowing in my own self pity, Chiron stood to make an announcement. A very serious one by the way his face was contorted. "The Gods have decreed it necessary for us to take a small trip."
           Chatter broke out amongst the campers. I could here random tidbits but has no clue what anyone was saying. As I am quickly discovering, being an only child sucks. One brave voice rose above the rest, " Why should we go? What have the gods ever done for us?" The clouds began to rumble gravely. Luke it seems, has a death wish.
       "The gods only said it was necessary. Nothing of why."
        "Then where are we going?" Piped the much higher pitched Annabeth.
        "I know as much as I have told you children."
        "Do we need to go pack?" Came a voice from the Aphrodite table. Suddenly a piece of paper with the words, "no need"  fell from the sky. While everyone was looking around in confusion, a giant swirling figure opened up in the middle of the pavilion and began to tear campers away from their tables one by one. Annabeth let out a small yelp as she was taken through, she was't able to escape it, which seemed to be on everyone's agenda but my own. And soon I was following behind the blonde haired beauty.
        One moment later everything was spinning, and I couldn't tell up from down, nor my left from right. The only thought to pass through my head was, 'This must have been how Dorthy felt.' Or would this be more of a Magic Treehouse situation? These thoughts soon left my mind as I hit the ground with a great big thump, and a good bit of pain.
       I looked up very disoriented and instead of feeling secure, I came face to face with a dragon.

Hey hope it wasn't too bad. I have plenty more to this story and I will update as quickly as possible. If you have any constructive critism please let me know. (Other than the fact that Percy would never think the way I write.😂😂😂 Sorry, I tend to write using large and complicated words. It makes me sound quite a bit smarter😂😂😂) If you're still reading this you are a legend. I'm honetly very curious to see how many people did get to this part. If you did write pineapple in the comments please. Maybe we can confuse people😂😂😂

I'd say bye because I've taken up too much of your time but lets face it, you're on this app. You don't have a life either. Ciao!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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