Lira Bade

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Lira Bade

I ran my fingers through my sweat-soaked hair, pulling it away from its stuck position against my neck. I took a deep breath as I tried to ride out the headache from the clanging of metal tools around me. The flickering light emerging from the core of the forge illuminated the small workshop around me. I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the shield hanging above the dead bolted door, noticing the shiny strands of my dark hair sticking to my forehead in haphazard patterns.

A soft, frail hand grasped my shoulder, causing me to flinch and spin around, meeting the gentle gaze of my mother. The strenuous work she endured had aged her far past her once youthful demeanor, but there was hardly any resemblance to her past self left on her tired features. She leaned down, muttering her plans in a dry voice, devoid of any emotion. "Your father and I are ready to escape tonight. We'll sneak out through the eastern border of the city after the guards have finished their patrols." She pulled away from my ear, glancing down at me with a slight shimmer of hope in her eyes.

Mom jumped as the blunt end of a sword was shoved against her side. "I suggest you get back to work, woman," the guard mumbled, scratching at his ratty brown hair, "before I have to force you." I glared at the older man as he strode away, leaving my mother shaken up and glued to her piece of work. I walked over to the end of my craft table, admiring one of the small, curved blades I'd forged. I picked up a long strip of leather, subtly tying the blade to my thigh.

Towards the end of the night, a few guards ushered us down a dirt road, sending us back to our sleeping quarters. I laid down on my bed, shuffling around to find a position to prevent soreness in the morning. My eyelids started drooping as I watched my mother packing the few items we had worth taking.


A quick jostle knocked me out of my trance, my mother frantically dragging me to my feet. "Lira, we have to leave now." The hint of fear laced in her voice brought me to my senses as I grabbed the bag she had prepared, giving her a nod before following my dad's path through the opened gate.

I held my breath as we shuffled against the wall, listening for the occasional clink of the guard's armor echoing down the thin corridor. I leaned forward, catching a glimpse of the front gate. Just a few more steps and we could be free for good...

"Where do you three think you're going?" I could see my father flinch at the sound of the gruff voice behind us. Instead of turning around to face the man, he grabbed my hand and raced toward the front gate, waiting for my mother to pass through before following her, the guard and I in tow. I could hear the clamor behind us getting louder as more guards appeared. I yelped in surprise as a tight grip pulled me back towards the guard, and the cold steel pressed against my neck. My parents turned back around, hesitating at the flank of guards.

"Go ahead and surrender now, and I won't have to," the man hesitated, cockiness dripping from his tongue, "take this any further."

"Let her go." The confidence in my father's voice didn't match the panic-stricken look on his face. I winced as the blade pushed against my neck, sending a chill down my spine. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to figure a way out of this, but the situation solved itself as the man quickly dropped his grip on me.

The guard muttered a curse, and I turned around to see a bloodied, burned mark running up his arm. I blinked, shaking my head and focusing my thoughts before pulling the blade out from the wrap against my thigh, slashing it against his wound, causing him to cry out in pain and drop his sword. I kicked it to the side and sprinted to join my parents as they ushered me into the thick mass of trees. Twigs snapped under the heavy boots of the soldiers as they chased us through the thicket. I heard the familiar crack of wood as a bow was drawn. I opened my mouth to warn my parents, but all that came out was a cry as I heard a body hit the ground. I stopped running, my heart skipping a beat as I saw my mother bent awkwardly over a fallen branch, an arrow sticking out of her back. Another arrow whistled past my face, hitting my father before he could take his eyes away from his dying wife.

I screamed, leaping over a rock and falling to my knees by my dad, trying to help him up. His eyes and mouth were wide open, trying to warn me as I saw the life draining from him through slow, shallow breaths. I choked on a sob, grabbing my things before squeezing my father's hand and standing up again, turning away from my family as I darted away from the view of the guards and into a shrouded cave.

My breathing hitched as I collapsed against the stone wall, attempting to muffle my cries into the fabric of my shirt. The guards searched around the area, barking orders at each other to find me. I shrunk further back into the cave, sliding down to a seated position, my heavy, swollen eyelids finally shutting at the sign of safety.


A/N:  Thanks for reading!  There are more chapters in the works. (Published October 10, 2019)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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