The Car Beside Me

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I really was having an awful day. I was up for promotion in my job as a travel agent. Everything was perfect, yet it seemed that the new worker that had started a little over a month ago was more qualified to take the job than me. Almost as soon as I had jumped into my car to start the drive home, my grandmother called. My grandfather had been admitted to the hospital. 

That leads me to where I am now. Driving along the long, empty highway. The only things I could see were endless trees and the road in front of me. And then my car ran out of gas.

I was close to town, I had taken this road a million times. There would be a gas station just around the next corner, at least I hoped.

My car started spluttering, "Come on, just a little further," I urged. My car was old, really old. I had bought it second hand when I finally got my drivers licence a month after my 16th birthday.

As if the God of Mercy had heard my prayer, The blinding lights from the gas station came into view. It was surreal, The light almost too blinding.

I pulled into the lane. rolling down the window and looking at the fuels. Sighing contently when I saw the diesel pump. It was so hard to move into a different area, and I did not have the energy. I turned down my radio and stepped out of the car. I pulled out the pump and shoved it into my near-empty tank, cringing at the numbers.

Suddenly, another car came into the station, directly next to mine. It was a fancy car, the sleek black colour created a sharp contrast to the colours surrounding us. A man stepped out, he looked to be around my age, if not a little older. His wavy, sun-bleached blonde hair fell in waves to his ear, which looked to have a piercing in it. His golden skin seemed to shimmer in the lights. His blue eyes snapped over to look at me and flashed the largest, whitest smile that I had probably ever seen.

"Good evening!" He practically sang.

I raised an eyebrow, "Good evening, you seem happy if you don't mind me saying."

He grabbed the pump and shoved it in his car, "Not at all. It's just been... a good day."

I snorted, "That makes one of us."

"Oh really? And whats made your day so awful darling?" I could feel my cheeks go red, nevertheless.

"A little bit of this, a little bit of that, none of your buisness really," I teased, though I probably ending sounding like an old hag.

He looked up at the screen displaying how many litres he had poured into his tank before changing his view over to mine. 

"One more thing," He called out, his baby blue eyes sparkling.

I gave him a look. He just laughed,

"Your tank is full."

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