Chapter 1: Moving?!Transfer?!

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  • Dedicated to Anthony Buffalo

"Nixxie," my mother yells up the stairs,"are you ready to go?"

"NO!" I yell through my tears.
I sit on the floor looking at all my packed things fly around me."ugh!" I yell and let all my things settle to the floor. I have wand less powers you see and I am so angry that we are moving that I keep making everything fly around. I get up and go to my bathroom one last time to dry my tears an fix my tear stained face. I take one look at myself in the mirror and realize I am so angry that my metamorphigus powers have gone crazy. Everything about me is red, my hair my eyes even my face!
I take a deep calming breath allowing my powers to reconnect to my brain and change back to my normal bleach blonde locks and emerald green eyes.

I sniffle, "why me?" then walk out of the bathroom and tie my hair up with my metabow so it will help keep my morphing power under control on this dreadful day.

"NIXXIE," my mother yells again,"time to go!"

"Nixxie," my father says walking into my room,"come on sweetly time to leave." He levitates all my things down the stairs to the port key, an old hubcap.

"Alright," I say sadly and follow him down the stairs.

"I see you have your metabow in baby girl,"my dad says softly,"I know you love it here but my new job offer was to good to pass up."

"I know daddy," I say simply.

When we reach the bottom of the stairs my mother looks at me holdin my broken mirror.

"Were you using your powers again Nixxie?!" My mother says.

"Um," I say.

"Nixxie you know your not supposed to its dangerous if anyone finds out you have them!" she states.

"Marie," my father growls," calm down she is going though a tough time with this move!"

"Ok,Ok,ok let's just get to our new home alright?" I say.
They both look at me and nod, my mother takes out her wand repaires my mirror and sends all our things to our new house.

We each put our finger to the now glowing hubcap. I feel a sudden jerk behind my naval and then land on my face seconds later.
"I'll never get used to that," I say as I watch my parents land gracefully.

As I watch them land I notice the huge house behind them."Its huge," I yell.

"Yes it is," my father looks at me and smiles," anything for my little girl!" My mum takes this as her chance to shoot daggers at me with her eyes.

We all run into the house, there are three floors. On the ground floor is a huge kitchen with a grand bar and six stools, then a dinning room with a table for twelve! And last a living room so big it makes up half the size of our old house!

I go to the grand stair case to head to the second floor when my father stops me and says,"Oh, honey skip the second floor that's mine and your mothers" he says. My mother looks over my fathers shoulder with an evil grin.

"But the third floor is all yours," he yells. My mother then shoots daggers at me again.

'OMG!" I yell running up the stairs bypassing the second floor and heading strait for the third.

When I get there I am standing in a mini living room like the one downstairs, it even has a fireplace! There are 5 rooms from what I can see. The first one I walk to is a huge library with a loft and a site room that has a desk and lamp. "Must be my own office" I say out loud talking to myself. I then go up the little ladder to the loft in the library and find it is very roomy with couches everywhere. sliding down the pole next to the ladder I head towards the second room. from the looks of it it is a game room with lots of muggle games and devices! After examining them all for awhile I finally head to the last three rooms. The first says my name and the other two say guest, I take a quick peek into the guest rooms and see plain white walls and nothing in them. Knowingly I step back out since they decorate themselves for the "guest".

I then walk to my room and see the same thing until I enter it. It soon changes to have a four poster queen bed with a black duvet, black walls and black curtains 'yes I Nixxie like black alot' covering the bay windows with a seat in them and a door that leads to a giant balcony over looking our land. I take a look out the door to the balcony and see a huge pool and a full sized quiditch pitch! I then head back inside to see my bathroom and full sized closet.


After calming down and unpacking we all settle down to eat dinner. "So," my father says as my mother glares at my smiling face, "how is everything?"

"It's amazing daddy nothing could make this better," I yell enthusiastically.

"Oh?" my father says, "not even this?" He pulls out a huge package neatly wrapped in silver and black wrapping paper.

"Omg!" I yell grabbing the package and sitting in the floor. I soon have in unwrapped and find not only a unlimited supply of chocolate frogs, they magically keep appearing after I finish them, but also a unlimited supply of berty botts every flavored jelly beans, lemons drops,licorice wands,pumpkin pasties, and cauldron cakes. Plus all my favorite muggle candies in an unlimited supply such as Swedish fish,gumdrops,jolly ranchers,twizzlars,mumbo gum,airheads,lucas,chinese candys, and Mexican lollypops. But the biggest surprise of all is a brand new firebolt with black accents!!!!!

"Holy merlin!" I yell and jump on my dad for a bear hug.

"Ahem,"my mother coughs," we also have neighbors!"

"Who!?" I ask curiously settling down from my surprise.

"Someone called the weaslys their pure bloods too thankfully" my mother sneers.

I roll my eyes at her as my father say" you should meet them tomorrow I'm sure, they have quiet the brood at hogwarts" he says smiling.

"Awesome!" I yell excitedly I have never had neighbors or many friends.


End chapter one!

Thoughts? questions? Please comment an tell me what you think...I am a first time fanfic writer and would love to here your criticism!
Also I promise to update at least 3 times a week...i don't have much of a life besides my fiancé and college... Thank you for reading!!!!

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