🍖🍴~Cannibal AU~🍴🍖

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 While also being a man known for his business status, William Afton is secretly a cannibalistic serial killer. Everyone he's ever murdered has ended up as nothing more than a pile of bones, cardilage, and blood afterwards. Unless, he's particularly hungry... then there's a high chance that there might not be much left at all, not even the puddle of blood. Now, despite how messy each of his little "snacks" are, he takes extreme caution when committing these crimes of his. The only person who actually knows of these crimes is his best friend and business partner, Henry. One night, William had been enjoying the remains of one of his own employees when his partner had grown worried about him and came looking for him. The bloody mess was quite a sight to terrify Hen into quickly attempting to call the police. However, with his cunning words, William managed to persuade him out of doing so. After this, Henry actually covered up many of Will's murders out of pure pity of the man, truly believing that his friend was simply cursed with this insatiable hunger... and it isn't all that hard to find yourself believing it with how innocent William plays it up afterwards. 

 In general, Will definitely doesn't come off as the sort of man to do anything of the sort. In fact, many people seem to think very highly of him and he is otherwise well-liked. He had no background with any sort of problems. Overall, he was a perfectly normal human being. Well, except for that one thing. 

 What's worse about him is that he is literally living evidence of his own crimes. If one happens to look closely enough and put two and two together, its very obvious what he's done. One can find what appears to be dried blood stains in the fabric of his dark pants, some fresher than others. His shirt is always dirtied with a rusty reddish tint of some sort, which many could assume just came from being old and washed several times over the years. Funny thing is though, all of William's clothes happen to be quite new.  His jacket can also be seen with similar markings, albeit it's definitely been cleaned multiple times resulting in them being very faded and almost unnoticable. Beneath the scent of his strong cologne, a copper-like smell of death seems to surround him as well. When he flashes that bright grin of his, one may see that his teeth are also slightly discolored and... perhaps even some old flesh that's still caught between his teeth. Beneath his nails, sure enough there is more of the nasty meat, which he sometimes tends to lick at when he's growing hungry with no prey to be seen.

 Personality wise, William is... different. Sure, he's quite friendly and comes off as a very charming individual, but thats nothing compared to his true personality. Beneath his facade, he is a man filled with paranoia. Due to his insatiable hunger for fellow humans, a desire that can only be fulfilled with consequences, he always fears that one day either he will be caught or someone he loves will be found as one of his own victims. If anyone dare to get in his way or threaten him with spilling his secret, he will absolutely go wild. Now, in some cases, he's even been described as being animalistic and hardly human when thrown into these scenarios. 

 He's a dangerous man and not one you'd want to play around with, however.... many will find this far too late...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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