The year is 2010, 12 years after the "Murders in Canada" 8 teenagers named Kent Lost, Sylvester Link, Candice Lucille, Grace Houston, Gary Horror, Ryan Crazy, Kai Creeps, and Tay Kyte went on an adventure to all kinds of countries to enjoy themselves Tay and Sylvester were boyfriend and girlfriend and they loved each other, Kai and Ryan were best frenemies , Candice and Grace were nonbiological sisters and Kent was the leader of the group and no one knows anything about Gary he was kind of a strange dude but we allowed him to hang with us then on Halloween Gary told us about House 66 in Canada so we packed up and left for Vancouver.
As soon as we got in the house lots of strange things happened like the windows closed, the door slammed shut and locked itself then the strangest thing happened Kent and Sylvester and Tay heard someone talking but there was only 8 of us there wasn't 27 of us.
Could the cursed house not be a legend after all?
The Blademaster: The First Installment of the Origin
HorrorThe Beginning starts here..... In the far off land of New York this story takes place in 5 different places: Vancouver, Ontario( Second Installment), The Medieval Times( Third Installment), and The Antique Store that we own in New York (Final Instal...