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I walk through the semi-house, where they used to be a crowd of people I had never seen in my life

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I walk through the semi-house, where they used to be a crowd of people I had never seen in my life. I glance, once again, at the spacious home. From the moment you walk in from the backyard, you can see the large tv in the living room that is at least a hundred inches. I'm not sure why Roger would need a tv that large but it's nice. And the comfortable long couch with a loveseat makes it all seem like a movie theater. At least that's how I felt when I was watching Animal Planet earlier.

I had to get away from Chase and all the commotion that was happening outside. I messed up and gave in to his madness, I'm not supposed to be talking to him. Somehow, he is always around.

I walk in the kitchen. There are cups and bottles lying around everywhere and liquid on the glossy stone floor. It's a disaster that Roger is going to have to clean up later.

A couple blocked my way as they made out near the fridge.

I grab a clean red cup that took a while to find, but enough time for the couple to move on to the right side of the fridge. "Excuse me," I muttered to them. They wouldn't budge so I waited for my cup to be filled with ice and water from the left fridge door, while they did their thing.

It doesn't surprise me anymore that I may be the only female that doesn't make out with her boyfriend, whom I've been with for years. Everywhere I turned since the party started that's all I've been seeing.

Must be nice.

I stopped myself from drinking the water. My phone started ringing from my curled-up dress. I looked at it to see Claudia's name on my screen. She texted me.

Claudia: "Nolan told me about you getting drunk. I thought we talked about this on your first day. Is that something your mom would approve of if she were here?"

My eyes bulged out of my sockets. Nolan had no business to do that. This is why I say they get too close for my comfort. He always feels the need to tell her things she doesn't need to know.

I could feel my face boiling with anger. Shaking in fury, I quickly pull up Nolan's name and call him.

"Hey Milly, what's..."

"Why did you tell Claudia?" I cut in before he could say anything.

"Woah, what?"

"Claudia just texted me, and she knows that I was drinking at a party. Why did you tell her?"

"It slipped." He confesses on the phone.

I sigh and hit my forehead with my palm. "Nolan, you're a complete idiot."

"Well, that's not pleasant to say to someone who tried to keep your secret." He pouts like his feelings are hurt. "It was an accident, we were talking about you and how proud we are then it slipped."

"I'm sorry." I pant. He doesn't comprehend how my aunt truly feels about me drinking. She will think I will be like my father, mother, and uncle all in one. "You don't understand."

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now