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"You live here?" I point to the house. "With Roger?" he nods, holding a smile. "I knew you guys were best friends. I didn't think you lived together. Where's your room?"

His grin is wide as if I want to go up there with him. "You want to go to my room?"

"No." I splash water on him. "Forget I asked. It's no wonder why this place is huge. There's no way Roger could afford this on his own."

"He found the house for us, and I upgraded it." He informed.

"Do your parents live around here?" I wonder how they feel about him doing the things he does, that's if they know.

His face went blank. I'm starting to think I shouldn't have asked.

"You cold?" He asks me, avoiding the question. He must not like talking about them, or maybe they aren't alive.

I nod my head and go along with it. "Yeah, I am."

"Come on. I can get you a towel to shower and extra clothes if you don't have any." He kindly tells me. I was smart to bring extra clothing this time.

We get inside and see the rest of the group playing poker.

"How was the swim?" Delilah asks.

I grip the end of my towel while my wet body soaks the floor, I hope they didn't see us in there. "It was good. Chase is just going to show me where I can shower and sleep for the night."

Delilah glances at Trixi. Her brows lowered and pulled together, confused, and her lips curled inward. "I can share a room with you if you want?" Delilah's offer was nice, but I like my space.

"It's ok. I rather sleep by myself."

"Ok, have fun, kids," Jackson says in a rush to try and get rid of us.

I wonder if Trixi's livid about Chase and me being near each other. She stares between the both of us with a grimace glare. she has nothing to worry about. 

I follow him to the back part of the house. "How long have you and Trixi been...you know... together?" I couldn't find the words for it since they aren't dating.

"We aren't together." His eyebrows furrowed.

"I know, but physically."

"Am I supposed to keep count of how long it's been?"

"Some people do."

"I don't keep track of dates or any of that shit." I nod silently as he stops in front of a door. 

Of course, he doesn't. 

"here's the bathroom, and the room you'll be sleeping in is this one. Unless you feel like paying me a visit, then I wouldn't mind." He shows me the door that's two doors down.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now