Chapter 1

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*Y/n POV*

I was studying engineering with my best friend John. We had been best friends since kindergarten and we were inseparable. Everyday was an adventure for us, even in school and college.

We wanted to share a dorm, but he couldn't because of something with his younger sister, so my parents helped me buy a house. Yeah a house! They didn't really like me... that's why they kicked me out and bought me a house.

With time it got more and more difficult to pay the bills and so on. I took classes and worked everyday except Sunday. I was busy everyday and tried to find a way to pay my bills, but in the end I realized I had to find a roommate. I made a few flyers and hanged them around in school.

After a week I finally got a call: "Hi I saw your flyer in school and I would like to be your roommate." A male voice said on the other line. "Cool! What is your name and when can you move in?" I asked him. I also asked him about basic things and how we would do the cleaning and so on. He told me a bit about himself and we decided to meet up the day after. To be honest, I was a little scared, but I felt like it was the right choice for me.

"Hi Roger, I'm over here." I said as Roger entered the diner we were supposed to meet. "Oh, Hi Y/n!" He exclaimed as he sat down in front of me.

"So! When do you want me to move in?" He asked me after we had ordered food and drinks. "I was thinking you could move in tomorrow?" I said, more as a question. "Sure, that would be great!" He answered me with a smile.

There was a long silence while we ate, but it ended when I asked: "Is there anything you want me to know about you or-...?" "I like music... but if it irritates you too much, I'll stop." He told me and smiled softly. "I also like music." I replied. A big smile spread across his face, when I told him I liked music too and knew how to play the guitar. "Can you really play the guitar?" He asked in disbelief. "Yes! I have one at home." I said and giggled. "That's so cool!" He exclaimed and snickered.

We kept talking for an hour or so and in the end, we decided to pick up his stuff and let him move in instantly. When we were on our way to get his stuff, we bumped into John. "Hi Y/n!" He squealed and hugged me tight. "Hi Deaks!" I said and messed up his hair. "Hey stop that!" He said and laughed.

He then noticed Roger and his smile faded. "What is he doing with you?" He asked mean. "John! Don't be like that! It's my new roommate, Roger." I said and slapped him on the shoulder. "Yeah I know who he is! He is a player and an idiot!" John yelled. "Stay away from Y/n you piece of garbage!" John yelled in Rogers face. "Don't be like that!" I shouted at John and pulled him away from Roger.

"You're never like that! You're always so calm and lovely, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I whisper-yelled to him irritated. "Roger is not a good person and I don't want him to break your heart!" "We're not a couple! I literally just met the guy!" "Y/n it's fine... I haven't been the best these last couple of years..." Roger said embarrassed and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's okay Roger." I said and smiled a sad smile.

"John I have to go. I'll talk to you later." I said and walked away. Roger followed after me and led me to his former apartment. "I'm sorry about that.." I apologised to him when we were standing outside his apartment. "It's fine! I've had a really bad reputation these last couple of years, but I'm working on it! I promise." He told me and opened the door. "I believe you." I said and walked inside.

We took all of his stuff inside his car and drove back to my house. "Wow this is a really big and charming house!" He said when he parked the car. "I'm glad you like it." I responded and chuckled. We brought all of his things inside and while he unpacked his things in his room, I redecorated the house with his and my stuff.

When he was finished he came downstairs and looked around. "Do you like it?" I asked him when he joined me in the living room. "Yeah, I love it! It's perfect!" "That's good." I said and smiled back at him. "Can you get us some beers from the fridge?" I asked him after I sat down on the couch. "Sure." He said and smiled.

When he came back he joined me on the couch and gave me one of the two beers he was holding. "Thank you." "No probs." "I didn't know girls liked beer." He added. "Some do." I said giggling. "I suppose." He replied and chuckled.

We turned on the tv and watched a lame program about animals. Normally I liked animal programs, but that one was shit. "This is shit." I exclaimed and looked at Roger. "I totally agree." He said and pouted.

"Do you have any board games?" "Yes, Why?" I asked him confused. "Do you have scrabble?" "Yes...?" "Can we play that?" He asked me and smiled. I thought about it for a second, but decided to grant his wish. I ran to my room and found the game, Scrabble. I ran all the way back to him and placed the game on the coffee table.

"Get ready to lose, Blondie!" I mocked. "I'm pretty sure I'll win!" He snapped back and made the both of us laugh. We began the game and after the first 10 minutes I was so sure I would lose, but then Roger messed up and I won! "YESSS I WON HEHE!" I shouted in joy. I couldn't stop mocking him, because he had been mocking me throughout the entire game!

He didn't say anything, he just crossed his arms and huffed. "Sorry Roggie." I said and giggled. "Roggie AND Blondie?" He asked with a smirk on his face. "I'm still trying to find the right name for you." I replied and chuckled. "Oh ahaha."

"Want to grab some dinner?" I asked him after I heard my belly rumble. "Sure, where do you wanna go?" He asked me and stood up. He grabbed his keys and put on shoes and a jacket, while I just stared at him. He was pretty good-looking, but I knew he was - or had been - a player. Either way, I wasn't beautiful enough for someone like him.

"Are you coming?" He then asked me and got me out of my trance. "Yes I'm coming." I quickly replied. "So, where do you want to go?" He asked me again. "Do you know the diner on the corner, next to our school?" I asked him. He nodded and smiled. "Lets go!" He said and opened the door for me.

A/n: hi everyone! This is the first chapter, so please don't judge yet (unless it's good hehe)! I hope you'll continue reading this story! Love y'all! xx

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