Chapter One: A Spill

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Your pov

     I was outside Leah's grand house. It almost seemed like a castle of some sorts. I knocked on the door while I drank my (fav) red bull. (If you don't like red bull, I sowwy >=<) The door opened to reveal my best friend, Leah. "Hell yeah!" She shouted. "Party monster!" She yelled as she dragged me in to her house.

"Whoo hoo! Wait, where's everyone?" I looked around and saw no one here.

"Oh, I told you to come early. They won't be here for another half hour."

"I can set up the drinks! Fuck yeaaah! Help me get the boxes?" I gave her cute little puppy eyes.

"I'm not lifting anything! Judd! Come help (Y/n)!" She yelled into the house.

     Suddenly, a tall boy with black hair and blue dyed tips along with vibrant green eyes appeared out of no where.  "Whatever." He grumbled and followed me to my car.

      As we made our way to my car, I downed the rest of my red bull and crushed it easily. I tossed the empty can into one of the boxes of tequila and lifted it up easily. "Get the red bull, yeah?" I said as I started walking back to the house.

     He muttered a 'whatever' and grabbed the packs of red bull and followed after me. Once we got all of the cases inside, I started mixing the drinks. I grabbed their largest bowl and set it on their table. I poured two bottles of tequila in and added the red bull in. After mixing them all in, I tasted it.
     'Hmm. It's needs something else.' Just then, Judd brought in cases of wine along with a few bottles of Jack Daniel's for himself. "Hell yeah!" I grabbed the bottle of Jack in his hands and two bottles of wine.

      I mixed the three bottles of alcohol in and then added some pineapple juice for flavor. I then tasted it and immediately enjoyed it. "Let me try some!" Leah asked, to which I filled a cup and handed it to her.

     She grabbed the plastic cup and took a drink. She immediately choked on the drink. "Jesus! That's so strong! No one's gonna drink that!" She then poured the rest of the drink from her cup back into the bowl.

"It's not for you, light weight!" I laughed and grabbed a straw from her drawer and put it in the bowl. "It's for me!" I then took a long sip. "It's not even that strong."

"Yes, it is!" She yelled.

"Hey, uh, Todd? Got anymore Jack on you?"

"It's Judd. And yeah." He tossed a bottle to me, which I caught.

"Fuckin' sweet." I flicked the cap off quickly and poured it all in.

     I stirred it with the straw and took another sip. It was still too weak, but it's whatever. "Better now?" Leah asked.

"Nah. It's still weak." I told her and continued to drink it.

"Leave it to the party monster to not get drunk by that." She sighed.

"I don't believe it's that strong." Judd then said.

"Try some." I offered my straw to him.

     A faint blush dusted his cheeks before taking the straw in his mouth and drinking some. His eyes went wide as he immediately started coughing. "Woah! Chill it, Judd! You good?" I patted his back to help him.

"It's stronger than I thought." He brushed my hand off.

"Duh. Dude, they don't call me the party monster for nothing!" I then drank more of it.

"You're not seriously gonna drink all of that, are you, (Y/n)?" Leah asked in worry.

"Duh. Unless someone's stupid enough to ask for some."

"Jerk! I asked for some!" She grabbed my snap back and hit me with it.

"Chill out! I'll drop it!" I tried to protect my beautiful concoction.

     Unfortunately, she hit the bowl, causing some of it to spill on my shirt. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I'll get you one of my shirts!"

"Your shirts are too small for me."

"What's going on in here?" A small boy then appeared in the kitchen. "And who's this?" He eyed me.

"(Y/n), this is my little brother Nick. Nick this is (Y/n). Don't touch her."

"Sup, little man! How's it hanging?" I raised my hand to the side, waiting for a sideways high five.

     He raised his hand in question as to what I was doing. I gave him a crisp high five which led up to a bro fist. "We should get you a new shirt." Leah said.

     I then looked down to find it was already staining my shirt. "Damnit. Judd, pass a shirt, yeah?" I asked.

"Whatever. Follow me." He then walked upstairs.

     We made it upstairs to a room with a 'no trespassing' sign on it. He opened the door to reveal his dark room. He then walked over to his closet and rummaged around. After a few moments, he pulled an over sized shirt out. "Here you- where's your shirt?!" A large red hue took over his cheeks.

"Huh? Oh! I took it off to try and dry myself, but now I'm all sticky."

"Fucking idiot." He then dragged me to a bathroom.

     He threw me in along with his shirt. I immediately grabbed my dirty shirt and ran in under the faucet. Once it was soaked enough, I cleaned my sticky chest and dried myself. When I was dried, I grabbed Judd's large shirt and put it over my head. I held the hem of it up to my nose and smelled it.
     'It smells like charcoal and cigarettes.' I thought as I let my mind wander. Suddenly, the door was being knocked on. I jumped and opened the door quickly. Outside was Leah. "What?" I questioned.

"You were taking so long! What were you even doing?" She asked worried.

"Oh... I was smelling it..." I muttered. "It smells nice."

"My brother's shirt? You're such a perv."

"A party monster never tells her secrets. But just between you and me... he's kinda cute."

"Gross! That's my brother! Perv!" She then dragged me downstairs while I laughed.

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