Off In The Distance #1

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Big timmy Tommy sat down and cried and died his brother E, saw it and did the default dance and tripped and fell and died.

another person saw the dead brothers and decides to sweep them up only the broom handle is actually knives and fuckin penetrates though his stomach while he's sweeping.

Some goof came along off in the distance that picked up the broom along with 3 dead fuckers and decided to throw the broom... he throws the broom and It magically bounces and hits him in the balls lol

Therefore 4 peeps are fucking lifeless on the solid concrete like losers.
Logan Paul comes over and films it all but some hillbilly comes out of no where and hits pogan laul in the tit
And Logan dies while screaming BE A MAVERICK and chokes on his 100,000 dollar  camera.

Some kid comes along screaming we love fortnite and jesus comes along in a supercharged Toyota Prius going well over 200mph and hits the kid. The world goes dark while the sky is beaming words that say "VICTORY ROYALE" you also see in the distance tyler1 pressing f.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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