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The weekend was better than the last.

I don't know why I agreed to hang out with Chase today after class. I suppose I'm starting to enjoy his presence. 

Before walking out of the apartment this morning, he was there to convince me to skip class. I disagreed with it at first, but he was saying things that made me feel comfortable with the idea of it. He made it sound too easy.  I hadn't heard from Nolan since the last time we spoke. I made sure to text him, lying that I was in class. It took me off guard when he read the message but didn't reply. 

After sending the message, I stared at my phone and looked next to me. Chase was driving his car in the dreadful traffic. He owns a black Audi with leather seats and new rims on the wheels. It's empty and clean on the inside like he never uses it. I am certain he got this car from his family.

"Everything alright?" He glances at me, panicking.

"Are you sure Professor Brown won't notice you being on his computer?" I asked him while biting my nails nervously.

"Relax." He tells me, without answering my question.

"I can never seem to do that around you," I say with honesty. I was also nervous about skipping, and Nolan hadn't answered my text.  "I only skipped class once," I told him. "I was still feeling down about losing my mom. I wanted to leave school. It was too much for me. Then Nolan told my aunt, and I got in trouble." 

"A prude and snitch. I'm not going to go call your aunt if that's what you're worried about. And the professor doesn't call home if you're absent. You are old enough to do your own thing now."

I grin to myself, thinking about what he said. "My mom used to tell me I won't be grown until I am thirty, can afford to live on my own and pay for everything."

"No disrespect to your mom, but your age shouldn't define any maturity. Not everyone grows up."

"Like you?"

"Like me." He confirms. His body leaned on his door and pressed his hands on his chest. "I am in my prime years, enjoying It while I can." he declares. "Something you need to do. You take shit too seriously." He stares off at the cars that haven't moved an inch.

"Life is serious. You can only do this life game once."

"Then why spend it doing something worthless? Like having a boyfriend for all high school?"

"I don't know. I guess I am still figuring that all out. I want to have a family of my own one day. Get married, have kids." I mentioned.

The traffic remains at a stop-and-go. Chase's eyes wander the streets and signs, confused. "Where are we going again?" He asks. 

"A theatre I want to tour. I set an appointment weeks ago, and it so happens you have a car today. Hopefully, soon I can get some internship there." I grin at him. "I'm not sure if we'll make it there on time. Here let me call."

I searched the theatre on my phone and called the first number I saw. The man then answered the phone and was already speaking to someone else. "Archer speaking." 

 "Hello? I have an appointment today for the theatre and museum tour. I am running late; is that ok?" 

"Uh- a tour? Ahh yes. Amelia. If you can make it within 10 minutes, then yes. Other than that, you will have to schedule another time." 

"You know, we could just see a movie or something. It's simple and easier to get to." Chase interrupts before I hang up the phone. The car comes to a sudden stop when a car cuts him off without the turning signals. Chase honks his horn and holds on to it, keeping the horn blowing. "USE YOUR FUCKING TURNING SIGNALS, ASSHOLE!" He yells out the window.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now