Chapter 27. Reconciliation

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Elodie groaned. It was supposed to be a nice Saturday, now that they'd had a Friday off, because Goldwater High seemed to think attendance in November was completely unnecessary.

Did u kno?

It was Kira. Elodie frowned and sat up in her bed, confused as to what her friend was referencing.

You're going to have to be more specific than that.

She got a reply back almost instantly.

About Aideen and the Paladin boy.

Elodie's heart sank.

Oh. She told me she had a crush on him.

Kira's fingers must have been flying off of the keyboard, Elodie decided: well, mor than a crush now. W/ him @ the movies 2day.

So the plot had thickened.

I didn't know that part. Look, Kira, can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm really tired— but I promise you can come over and talk.

There were three dots on the screen, loading and hesitation.

isnt ur brother coming over b/c my dad?

Elodie smacked her forehead. Of course! Brad still had all his projects with Dr. Gershwin, and the scientist had intended to work with Brad in his personalized shed laboratory for some physics experiment or another, especially now that it was cooling down enough for all of the equipment to work properly.

I'll go with him. We'll talk then.

Elodie then swiped "Do Not Disturb" on her phone, pulling the Hello Kitty blankets around her more tightly.

A thought occurred to her, however. All of her friends were dating. She didn't keep up with her old crowd anymore, so she couldn't speak for them, but of her current friend group, she was the only one that was alone.

She grabbed a Chococat plush from where it was buried in the pillows behind her. She had no interest in anyone right now, so it wasn't like she minded, not exactly.

But it pulled at her all the same.

Would Aideen and Kira spend less time with her now?

Elodie realized she'd made a mistake by plunging herself into her new world.

I really need to make some new friends, she decided as she rolled over and fell into a dreamless sleep.

	For all that Kira and Galileo showing up had thrown a wrench into things, Aideen had an otherwise pleasant date, and got away with it

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For all that Kira and Galileo showing up had thrown a wrench into things, Aideen had an otherwise pleasant date, and got away with it. Felecia didn't ask any questions, and the rest of her day progressed on-schedule.

Aideen felt jittery, though. She wished she could share every little detail, analyze it in that way that girls on TV did after their dates.

She couldn't confide in Felecia, though. And she didn't want to tell Kira or Elodie. Even though Elodie knew about her crush on Ansel, she knew that Elodie might react the same way Kira did now that Aideen had acted on her feelings.

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