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On my third shot, I had already started to feel the giggles. It was hard feeling my face afterward. In my fifth shot, I started getting noisy and out of my shell. It even had Chase curious. Delilah loved seeing me like this, so she gave me more. In my seventh shot, Trixi started getting tired of me and started giving me dirty looks. Or maybe because Delilah was not paying her attention, neither was Chase.

In my ninth shot, I began to get moody and aggravated.

He would glance at me when I glared. Then looks away. It's like I am a stranger to him tonight. But, with whatever hot girl walked by, he was there to laugh, touch, and even let them sit on his lap. 

One of the girls stuck around even longer and had her hands all over him. It did not take long for them to lock lips and start sucking each other's faces in front of all of us. I heard Jackson daring the girl to do it, which is idiotic and immature. 

I looked away once Delilah caught on. "You see, man whore." She sings while dancing around me. "Forget about him and Nolan tonight. Just have fun and worry about Amelia for once."

She was right. My confidence somehow got stronger as I let the thought stick like bond to my mind. Nothing should be more important other than taking care of me. That's exactly what I need to do tonight. So, I gulped a couple more drinks for luck. I walked away from the crowd when Delilah turned towards Rose.

I need to find Trevor, I tell myself.

I don't remember the walk getting to him, my eyes keep blurring in and out, and my legs feel wimpy. All of me feels weak. "Amelia?" I hear his voice, and everything is back to normal. "Are you ok?"

My body moves side to side, moving to the music. "I'm ok. I am having so much fun. You should get drunk with us." I scream into his ear.

"That's not a good idea, me being near Chase and all. I am keeping a low appearance tonight. There were some issues earlier today."

My eyes roll, and I grab him by the arm. "Chase is fine. He has alcohol and females all around him. He won't even know you're there." Shrugging it off like it's no big deal, I can see he's anxious. His eyebrows were drawn together, and the skin between them wrinkled. "Chase is worried about Chase right now." Before he can even deny it, I grab him along with me.

"Hey, where did you go?" Delilah peeks behind me and finds Trevor. "What are you doing here still?"

"I didn't want to come back here, but Amelia dragged me. How many drinks did she have?"

Delilah shakes her head. "You know this probably isn't the best night for you to be here." She looks up at Trevor. "it's one of those nights for him. He's been acting weird since we got here." She glances at me, but I don't care about it. She was the one that said to forget about him.

"I know exactly why." Trevor looks down at me. "We'll talk later?" His eyes were filled with ease. 

I stood between the both of them, thinking of a way to keep them off the topic of Chase. If he can't handle the appearance of someone, then he needs serious help. "Honestly, I don't think you should leave. Stick up for yourself. If anyone should be mad, it's you. I mean, he slept with your girlfriend." I chuckle, not taking the fact lightly. "That's fucked up." I hiccup. 

"Would you look who it is!" We hear Chase shout from a distance.

Everyone pauses and looks our way. "If it isn't the fucking scum bag himself. Trevor fucking Miller." His body is tense.

"I told you this wasn't a good idea," Trevor whispers to me, and I can feel how uncomfortable he is by the way he says it.

Thinking about the little things when you are drunk is hard, but now I am concerned.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now