Chapter One

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“Are you sure this is a good idea?”

Chilled October air filled Alexandra’s lungs as she asked the same question she had been repeating all week. The one she always seemed to ask when Nick was involved.

She shrugged her jacket up closer to hide her skin from the wind that picked up and whipped past them, turning her gaze over to Nick as he laughed.

“I’m sure, Alex. You’re starting to sound like my mom’s old Beatles record- you really gotta stop repeatin’ yourself.” Despite his teasing words, there’s a smile pulling at Nick’s lips as he spoke. “It’s just a party- a Halloween party in the most boring town on earth for Christ’s sake!” 

Alexandra forced a laugh at that, high-strung with the remnant of nerves. Nick's voice dropped to a more sincere tone as he reached over to give her hand a light squeeze of reassurance.

“We’ll be fine. It means a lot that you would do this for me.”

Alexandra couldn’t help but give a true smile at that, pulling him into a side-hug only to have to pick off some toilet paper that stuck to her skin from his costume when she pulled away. She made a face as Nick dissolved into a fit of giggles, scrunching up her nose as she glared.

“What are you laughing at, mummy boy? You’re the one who looks like a mom’s DIY project gone wrong.”

Nick gave a scoff of faux offense, holding a hand to his chest. “How dare you make fun of my costume! For your information, this is brand name toilet paper! No DIY mom would spend the money on that!”

Alexandra laughed again, for real this time,  trying her best to ignore the stares of the kids that were beginning to trick-or-treat. The sun was setting fast, peeking from behind the two-story houses of the neighborhood. It painted everything in a soft orange light, beautiful and eerie at the same time- which was exactly the same feeling that stopped Alexandra dead in her tracks, joy melting out of her and replaced by nothing but a cold pit of fear in her stomach.

It wasn’t as if Alexandra was a stranger to this area. Quite the opposite, in fact. She had driven this road many times, spent many sunsets and nights playing on these streets. Yet that never seemed to change the feeling of unease that would wash over her when her eyes landed on the Walker country house.

Menacing and decrepit, the Walker house had been there for as long as Alexandra could remember. Perhaps even longer than it was possible for her to. Back in it’s day, the house could have been beautiful. Its bricks may have once been spotless, column’s standing tall in brilliant gleaming white. The windows would have had curtains, not moth-torn fabric hiding the broken panes of glass from kids looking to have a little fun.

Now, however, the house was something out of a horror film: overgrown with vines and weeds that twisted up the walk to the house as if they were claiming back what was rightfully theirs. Everything about it screamed ‘Danger’, including the signs that were posted out front reading ‘DANGER: KEEP OUT!’.

The press of Nick’s hand jolted Alex out of her thoughts, forcing her eyes away from the house. His eyes were full of concern, brows knitting together as he spoke. 

“You alright, Alex?”

“I’m fine, I’m fine, it’s just…” Alexandra trailed off, glancing back at the mansion-esque house lurking in the distance. “You know the rumors about this place.” Nick raised a brow, causing Alexandra to elbow him lightly before continuing. “I’m serious! That shit’s terrifying.”

“I do know the rumors, Alex. But that’s just the thing!” He let go of her shoulder, his face returning to the smile that so often graced his face. “They're just rumors! Come on, do you really think they’d leave an old cult’s stomping ground just sitting in the middle of town?”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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