Look Alive

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Stop the press, everything's a mess
You can look alive, but you are not at rest
And ideas are flowing through your head
A million miles an hour while lying in your bed
A lucid life you never thought you'd lead
Are you working everyday?
Are you working just to bleed?
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know

[Verse 1]

There are days that I don't wanna wake up surrounded by this fake love
Is he real, the one above
Cuz lately I don't know what I feel
Emotionless, happiness I'm unworthy of?
That's real
You don't feel that?
You probably just think I'm wack
Wanna see me write about the hoes and the money but fuck that
This is real rap
I'm mindfucked, where's my heart at?

Mental health taboo
Media saying just ignore what's in you.
Listen to us we'll tell you the truth.
Become conforming sheep.
But I speak for the kids who can't sleep.
The girls caking on the make-up every week
Tryna meet a standard too high to reach.
For the boys who suffer in silence
Due to society saying that they need to be strong - no crying.
That's why I'm rhyming

Want to break this stigma surrounding
It's astounding the lengths I have to go to to be outstanding,
Through these words I'm giving out hope and
Motivation to go forward
An inspiration to some
A flash in a pan to most.
They see me as a one hit wonder
Fuck that imma scream my message as loud as thunder,
That you don't have to stay silent as your mental state goes under
These are for those who are suffering, speak out through me.
I am the voice of the voiceless, the pain they suffer bleeds out through me, from my heart to the pen, to the words you just read.
It's an evil world we live in, the time is nigh
Any innocent child is a child of mine
Shout to mic, trying to be righteous while life turns reckless
The truth gets no airplay while all these floss rappers just need to flash an icy necklace.
It's a mess
You wonder why I wanna...


Stop the press, everything's a mess
You can look alive, but you are not at rest
And ideas are flowing through your head
A million miles an hour while lying in your bed
A lucid life you never thought you'd lead
Are you working everyday?
Are you working just to bleed?
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know

[Verse 2]

I, put up this class bravado
Not a desperato
I'm desperate
The thoughts all bottled inside all
Scream out
But not aloud
Something is not permitting it
All these tough guys be shitting it
See someone then belittle them

You don't see what's happening inside their head
You don't see them crying at night in their bed
Suffering in silence, wishing they were dead

You see...


Everyday, Everyday
I see people who abuse
Everyday, Everyday
It's makes me wanna blow a fuse

Every week, Every week
They abuse those who are insecure and weak
Every week, Every week
People are bullied due to their physique
Every week, Every week
The future looks more bleak

[Verse 2 continuation]

Our society is broken
That's why all these kids have stopped hoping
Mental health stigma
Sexuality taboo
Seeing these kids suffering makes me wanna blow a fuse
Should I just stop with this muse?
What is the use?
Government ignorance
And you wonder why the youth are pissed
Just walking the streets can get you shanked in the ribs
Or gunned down outside the cribs
Then the news will victimise the victim with an overload of fibs.

Kids turning to dealing drugs
Turn to hanging with thugs
In this economy there's no way of getting jobs

Go to college, get a degree
Get stuck in a load of debt and that is supposed to make us happy?
It's all good don't question it
Because rebellion gets silenced
Just look at China

Tiananmen Square
Students massacred for just wanting a government that's fair.

And what's changed?
All talk no actions
Let the streets fight each other, create fractions
Causing traction
As the government ups our taxes
Ignore the suffering youth
That's why I write when in the booth
I just wanna spit the truth
So listen

This is a rap for all those are bullied and abused.
Yes for those who feel like they're being used
Don't don't give in to the hate
You make your own fate
Show them your dreams are not too far
Surpass them in every way you can find
And promise never to let them into your mind and heart.


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