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Recent events of the party past my mind. I couldn't shake off the sight of Chase using cocaine, nearly fighting Trevor and ripping my heart in his hands. Then he acts as if it didn't happen. I wonder if it was that he was, as they would say, crossfaded, or maybe he just meant every word he said. 

"Walking adventure part two with the infamous Chase Hamilton." I faked a smile and continued to follow him on our walk. I'm so enraged with him, yet my feelings haven't changed.

He chuckles and smirks at me. "What a party, huh?" He doesn't seem to notice my mood.

"Not so great of a party, actually. I wish it could've gone a different way." I speak with truth. 

"I don't think there's any other way it could've gone." He shrugs, and I sigh.

"So, do you usually jump out of windows at parties?" I mock.

"Only when I need to." He smiled down at me, and his eyes sank dramatically.

"You're probably going to have to take over halfway. I did a lot of lines and had too much to drink." He stumbles. 

"What do you mean take over?"

Suddenly I watch his body relinquish. His knees buckled. "Chase!" My heart dropped as he did. His body hit the ground forcefully. My mind drifts to the unknown. Did he die in front of me? My heart thumps a million paces, and my mind races.  I look around to see where I can find help. Any help. "Chase, wake up." My voice is scratched from how frightened I am.

He groans, alarming me that he is alive. I roll my eyes and grunt. "You really scared me, you know. I thought you were actually hurt." I tell him, but I know It is hard for him to talk. I've been here before, many times. His act reminds me of when I would find my mother passed out drunk in the kitchen or in Ellie and my room. It took both of us to place her in her bed. 

It took me two minutes to sit him on the floor without falling over. His body was so loose and heavy I had to lean him against me while we waited for a ride. It took two minutes to get in the cab.

He laid his head on my lap, and I allowed it. I play with his soft hair while he rests peacefully on me. Just a month ago, I couldn't stand the sight of him. Now there are moments I wish to be around him more. How does that seem to happen to someone like me, who swore never to fall for a guy like this? I even remember making a promise to Nolan about it. The whole ride, I could not help looking at his hushed look.

I decided to take him to his house instead. I had already texted Roger and told him we were on the way. Looking down at him, I cannot get rid of the thought of how flawless he looks, even when he is a mess.

"Thanks for getting him home. I had to leave the party early after Chase got into it with Trevor," Roger tells me while closing Chase's bedroom door. "How are you getting home?"

"Cab." I shrug.

"Cabs are expensive at this time of night. You should go pay him, and then you can sleep here if you want."

"I don't want to be a bother."

"You won't trust me. There is an open room across from Chase's room. You know which one."

"Thanks, Roger, I owe you."

"Don't mention it." He smiles. "I'm sure you had a long night."

Before heading off to the guest room, I go to the bathroom and fix myself up. I checked my phone as well and found five missed calls from Nolan.

"Fuckk." I blurt out.

I should call him back and tell him the truth about My whereabouts. That would only lead to him telling Claudia. "Hey, Babe." I squeal, then correct my tone.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now