Jaden finally comes home from school wanting to die its 5:12pm so he doesnt wanna sleep so he tries to stay up but he hears a faint whisper (the darkness) good bye daylight and welcome. DARKNESS! *jaden passes out but as his head us falling to the pillow he sees a part of the sun through the window it was fading the fire or so he thought was slowly going away* (3 weeks later) *jaden wakes up thinking it was a dream it was dark not any light at all jadens confuzed but he knows all around his house so he could guide his way through. He starts walking to his brothers room and knocks on the door no reply.* (jaden) hey what happen? *no reply. Jaden opens the door and calls his to get no reply he walks back down the hall to look outside it was pitch black he looked for the moon couldnt find anything no stars nothing no light at all. Quick fast foot steps approach jaden then they get super close and stop.* (jaden) hello Jensen ackles? (Thing in the darkness)*very quietly* light death darkness lost. *the voice was odly high for how tall the figure seemed jaden step back he went back in the house he walks in the garage and grabs a flash it doesn't work he bangs it against the workbench nothing. A large tool box falls jaden turns.* (thing in the dark) im sorry i didnt mean to. Are you mad at me. *jaden pisses his self.* (jaden) na no im not mad. No not at all (thing in the dark) you are mad at me. And when your mad im mad *jaden throws a flashlight toward the thing the light comes on for a second he see a quick glimpse of a large purple leg.* (thing in the dark) i knew you were mad at me *it charges at jaden and punches him jaden gets knock out the thing starts making out with him licks jadens tongue and licks the inside of his nose and then runs. 2 minutes later jaden wakes up has a weird taste and smell he ignores it goes to where he through the flashlight powers it off and then on it worked he walk around looking for his parents not wanting to accept their gone he goes up stair back in his room once he reaches the door he gets a welcome.* (the things in the dark all at once) the sun is gone now we can bond and live happily ever after WE LOVE YOU JADEN! * jaden flashes the light at them and realizes its the teletubbies he throws up they all charge at him.*
later that night...
Actionjaden is just a normal sexy beautiful amazing kid but something changed as something or someone lurks in the darkness he sleeps but when he wakes up everyones gone. why is it dark he ask him self at 2:30pm the sun was gone and when it disappeared so...