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(Y/N)'s POV

You were walking around outside your treehouse while the sun was setting. You looked across the road and into the woods across the street and thought you saw something. A man with red hair and a grey t-shirt with blue-ish jeans and red and white shoes. You felt like you reconized him, probably from your adventures with your brother, Lukas and your friends, Jesse, Petra, and the rest of the group. Then, it hit you. That's Romeo, the admin! I thought he died In the terminal zone! You thought. He seemed badly injured as he crossed the formerly gravel driveway. Puffs of dust rose behind him as he walked across the now dirt road. You noticed he was bleeding and badly bruised. Finally gathering your senses, you rushed to him. "Romeo!" You said as you began to support him so he wouldn't fall. "(Y-Y/N)!" He stuttered, clearly shocked. You nodded, leading him inside your house. I shouldn't be so willing to let him inside my house, but he's no threat.. you thought to yourself, He has no powers, he's badly injured, and he risked his life for me and my friends... He obviously won't hurt me now You continued thinking, then you looked at Romeo. "How'd you get out?" You asked. He looked back at you and asked, "What?" You rolled your eyes in amusement. "How'd you get out of the terminal zone? I thought I saw you get crushed by the Prismarine Colossus." Romeo Chuckled before clutching his stomach in pain. You felt bad for him. He must be in so much pain... He sure looks.like it.. you thought as Romeo started his story. "It hadn't really crushed me, it had picked me up in the palm of it's hand, squeezing tightly. I think it was trying to kill me that way. Unfortunately for it, the terminal zone collapsed. Fortunately for me, I landed somewhere in the woods where you found me. I'm glad I did!" You felt relieved after hearing the story, but you couldn't quite put your finger on why. It's probably just because he survived. You thought to yourself, attempting to deny your feelings for him, even though they were there. There was suddenly a knock on your door, urgent as if worried. Lukas. You thought. He must've seen the blood outside. You open the door and sure enough, it was your brother. "Hi, Lukas!" You said cheerfully, attempting to show him there was nothing wrong with you. "(Y/N)! Are you hurt? I saw blood outside!" Lukas exclaimed. You rolled your eyes, smiling. "No, silly. That's not my blood. It's Romeo's!" You had said the last part sadly. "Do you think you could help him? He was barely able to escape the Prismarine Colossus.." Lukas looked inside her house. "He survived?" "Luckily, yeah!" You respond. Lukas, being the only person you knew who could heal, began helping Romeo. You sighed slightly with relief. Then, you remembered..

You looked at Jesse as Jack was trying to convince him to save Romeo, and Petra was trying to convince him to leave the former Admin. You looked at your friend. "Jesse, you have to save him! Like Jack said, he'll never make it on his own! I know you, Jesse! You won't let him die, Not if you can help it!" You said. Jesse nodded. "You guys are right" He said, referring to (Y/N) and Jack. He helped Romeo up. "You're not staying Romeo. That would be the coward's way out."
You, Jesse, Jack, Petra, and Romeo were running now, escaping the terminal zone. "If that lava reaches the portal before we do, we'll be trapped here forever!" Petra exclaimed. There was a falling patch of lava. After everyone with, including yourself, was across, you slowed your pace to match Romeo's. "Show off. Did you really have to roll under the lava?" You joked. Romeo shrugged. "Might as well make it at least a bit fun" he responded.
Romeo was now running in the opposite direction with a torch, luring away the Prismarine Colossus. "Romeo, what are you doing?!" Jesse asked. You just stood there, jaw-dropped. "Saving your lives!" Romeo said back. You thought about chasing after him and taking him with you, but didn't. You had figured Lukas would be sad if he lost his sister because she wanted to save a former enemy. So, you just followed your friends, watching as Romeo got crushed. Tears formed in your eyes as you realized he had killed himself to save you guys.

You were snapped back into the real world as Lukas got up. "He'll be fine, (Y/N)" He said. You sighed in relief, happy he would live. Then, you looked directly in front of you and realized no matter how hard you tried to deny it, you liked Romeo, and there was nothing you could do to stop that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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