Chapter 1

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It was a sunny day in Mystic falls Virginia. It was a place filled with mystery and excitement. It was in front of the mystic falls Grill that found two young people. The first was a teenage girl who was acting as if she was on a caffeine high. 

"Bella would you calm the hell down" Her companion, Tom grumbled as he got out of the car tossing the car keys up in the air and catching them once again. 

The teen, Bella, childishly stuck her tongue out at her father who was looking quiet annoyed by her childish acts. She then turned and all but skipped into the grill with Tom following behind her. 

As she walked through the door, all sort of smells assaulted her, Quickly she shook her head and continued walking forward as she looked around the place. 

"So this is what mystic falls has to offer hm?" Bella said mostly to her self with a thought full expression. Her eyes were suddenly drawn to a male with black hair. He was wearing a leather jacket jeans and a dark colored shirt under the jacket. He was sitting next to a man who had brunette hair. 

Bella quickly rushed forward. "damon?!" she questioned. As the dark haired man looked over, bella was able to see him clearly and saw that it was in deed Damon Salvator. she slowed to stop in front of him only to slip on a wet spot causing her to barrel over the bar and onto the other side.

"Bella! what the hell you idiot!" she heard Tom say from where every it was that he was at.

Bella flinched feeling sharp sting on the back of her head. 

"whoa hey are you alright?" a male ran over to help her up. She looked up and saw the male was also a brunette like the man sitting at the bar. She tensed up and quickly backed away. 

"Stay away!" She yelped which made him skid to a stop. she took several calming breaths and relaxed. "I'm fine. I wasn't expecting the floor to be wet" she said as she forced her self up blinking the black spots out of her vision. "Someone help me out of here" she said dryly. 

Damon held out his hand taking hers as she quickly climbed across the bar back over to the other side. 

"thanks" Bella said rubbing the back of her head. 

"since you have been so gracious to...drop in. what are you doing here?" Damon asked looking at her with a sharp glare. 

"Looking for someone, heard he was here" Bella replied.

"Who are you looking for" The brunette sitting next to Damon asked as the other brunette went back to working on cleaning the bar. 

"eh, not sure where we are in the relationship area. its complicated" Bella replied flippantly watching Tom walking over to them. 

"What do you want them for?" Damon asked with a slight smirk-ish smile.  

"Oh im looking for him so he can kill me" Bella said enthusiastic. 

"You are not going to be killed" Tom said scowling as he stopped next to them. "Especially if he thinks that you want to die" he added. 

"oh but you see that is what i am counting on, I will act like i don't  want to die and then he will kill me" Bella said innocently as if she was talking about the weather. 

Damon and the Brunette male looked at each other with a 'what the hell' look. 

"exactally why are you wanting him to kill you?" Brunette man asked looking over at her with a look of curiosity.

"She is just being dramatic, She will get over it soon" Tom said quickly. 

"no im not" Bella cut in smirking a little. Tom sent her a glare that clearly says 'shut up'. "well he is obviously not here" Bella said with a sigh. 

"Yeah he is" Tom said as he looked around the grill. "some where" he added dryly. 

"well i don't see him" Bella said dryly looking up at Tom. 

"We just are not looking good enough" Tom replied as he walked away when he spotted his old friend, Liz.   

"What is this friends name?" Damon questioned getting Bella's attention back. Bella looked at him and saw his temper was spiking. 

"oh, well i don't think i am going to tell you, you might try and kill him" Bella said shaking her head a little bit. 

"I don't think try is the right word" Brunette man said wearily looking at her. 

"oh no, he will try, but he will only get him self killed because the guy i am looking for would kill him, No body messes with him and lives" Bella replied shaking her head a bit. 

Brunette and Damon looked at each other and then back at her. 

"This guy's name wouldn't happen to be Klaus now would it" Brunette asked as Damon sat up in his seat watching her closely. 

Bella stared at the brunette man closely. "what's your name?" she asked carefully. 

"Uh, Alaric...Sultzman" Brunette, Alaric, replied. 

"Ah, well...Alaric. Im not exactly sure who you are talking about, There could be lots of people named Klaus" Bella replied. "Got to go though, looks like dad is getting some food" She said with a sly smile and walked away from them. 

*shit, who was that guy? What the hell does Damon know about Klaus?* she wondered as she sat down across from Tom and Liz. Tom looked over at her with a meaningful look. Bella only nodded and sighed, She was going to have to do some investigating. 

"Damon Salvator has been helping me with a lot of these investigations. So far i don't think any of them is your friend." Liz explained. 

"no i don't think that it is either, I sense him here, but he isn't here. He is probably pulling his little tricks again" Tom replied with a sigh. 

"What do you want me to do?" Liz asked looking over at tom. Tom only sighed and stared off in front of him. 

"Nothing right now" Bella said with a sigh. "Ill do some investigating of my own" she added thoughtfully. 

"Don't worry liz. You and Care are safe" Tom said as he looked over at her. 

"I just feel sorry for those who are not" Liz said with a saddened sigh. Tom gave her an understanding look. 

"I cant save everyone. i try, but it is impossible." Tom replied, they went silent as a waiter walked over with three plates of food. 

"Bon appetit" Bella said semi sarcastically as she quickly dug into her food. 

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