Chapter 2- Healing Before a Storm

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Ok guys here is chapter 2 ...

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Slamming her hand against the elevator button she closed her eyes knowing she was loosing blood she kept repeating the same mantra 'In through your nose, out through the mouth'.

Watching the doors slide open she ignored the trail of blood she was leaving as she pressed her hand over a few buttons knowing she had hit her own floor, she looked at the print of blood on the wall feeling her stomach roll she groaned.

Stepping out into her apartment she walked slowly leaning her head against the wall as she shrugged from her coat letting it crumple to the floor she looked around feeling the pull towards her room she smiled a little walking through her apartment, as she laid down on her bed feeling the darkness tugging at her making her body want to sleep she slowed her breathing. "an hour....wont hurt....then i will clean my cuts" she whispered succumbing too the darkness.

Waking to the ringing of her phone she groaned her head ached as she sat forward ignoring the pull on her side as she picked up her phone sliding the arrow she placed it too her ear she yawned

"Poisened Darkness here how may i help you" she spoke her voice instantly darkening using her code name

"Ahh D your awake" hearing the chirpyness of her voice she groaned rolling her eyes flopping back onto the bed,

"Director how can i help you" she reasoned with her stading, she walked to the bathroom pulling the string that made the light flicker on making her sheild her eyes, why were they so sensitive.

"D we need you to ease off on the killings, we had Alpha james calling up asking for attacked his family..." her body tensed as she let a snarl leave her lips as her hand tightened on her phone

"Dont...You....Dare...How,......That b*stard killed my family....why would you" her anger getting the best of her she felt the burn running throug her body

"D look i know your intent on killing them all but.....look can you come in so we can talk"

"I will be their within the day.... but i swear, if any of them are close i will kill you permit me too or not they will pay" with that her hand tightened around her phone crushing it she dropped the crumbled remains into the trash.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror she could see the subtle changes, her eyes were brighter, the blue looked as if it was glowing her skin was as pale as snow her black hair darker then ebony.Shaking her head she sighed stripping from her shirt she looked in the mirror seeing the scatch marks had gone, furrowing her brow she shook her head.

Had she imagined her blood?...Had she imagined been hurt?

"Fast huh?" Looking around the bathroom her brow furrowed deeper

"Whos their?" she whisper yelled after getting no answer she shivered

"Im going going crazy" she whispered massaging her temples as she switched on the shower turning the water to scalding as she stripped from her dirt covered jeans walking into the shower she scrubbed over her body before she washed her hair with her favorite shampoo. Vanilla and coconut.

Grabbing a towel she wrapped her body stopping staring in the body length mirror at her body she shook her head sliding into clean underwear she looked over her skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2015 ⏰

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