*.•:*.•*[Letter One]:•..*•:.*

46 11 26

Dear You,

How are you today? Feeling down? It's ok, please don't be sad. Above are a bunch of positive notes I wrote with my cousins a couple of years ago.

So I've recently read the book 'The Sun Is Also A Star', it's an amazing book, I highly recommend it. Anyway, the main character calls himself a 'contagious cryer' and I can seriously relate. You being sad makes me sad.

So you're not feeling good today?

That's okay.

Someone ever ask you "Are you ok?" and you reply with "Yeah." or "I'm ok." even though you're not? I've had people say that to me before, it's okay not to feel okay. You don't have to put up a fake smile so everyone else doesn't worry. They worry because they care.

Sometimes talking to people can help too. I mean, if you want to talk it out I'm here but I'm a total stranger.

I hope this letter from a total stranger makes you feel better, if it doesn't then I've probably just made a fool of myself. Either way, if you're sad, stay strong.

Keep smiling, I believe in you.

"Don't waste a single minute

Not being happy.

If one window closes,

Run to the next window-

Or break down the door."

~Brooke Shields

From, Me

P.S Hope you have a good rest of your day!


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