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Getting to the party was brief

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Getting to the party was brief. It seemed similar to the frat house but wasn't on campus. I could already tell it would be a wild night when we walked into a crowd of horny drunk people grinding on each other. Ellie walked behind me, ensuring I got through as I struggled to get by.

She danced to the music with a grin that reached her ears. "This place is sick!" She cheers. "I'm happy I'm here with you. let's go get wasted!" She yanks me towards the group we attended with. I suddenly regretted coming here with them, especially with me looking like this. I look exactly like half of the females in here.

Maybe Chase was right. It is a bit much, at least for someone like me. Wearing this makes me feel so out of character. Meanwhile, I thought he looked excellent in his black buttoned-down shirt and jeans.

"Stop staring so much. It's so obvious," Ellie whispers. "Come on. I'm going to get us some shots." Ellie walks off, and I stand there doing the opposite of what she told me. He stood near a keg, talking to another blonde girl with fitted height-waisted shorts and a tank top. Luckily, it's not Trixi, but still. She looks way better than me and Trixi combined. I wonder if that's his usual type.

"Holy shit...you look amazing." Rose turns me over.

I reach for her to hug. "Just the person I needed. I want to introduce you to my BFF slash cousin," I watch as Ellie returns with a shot tray. "Ellie. This is my friend, Rose. Rose, this is my cousin Ellie."

"Hi. Shot?" She spoke bluntly. Ellie hands one to Rose, then me. She's always been the type to make friends so easily. She doesn't have to try so hard. She is just her.

Rose shrugs and takes it. "Thanks." She replied.

"To an awesome night." We toast. It didn't take long before the burn reached my stomach. After our second, I was more encouraged to go all out for the night and not give a damn about Chase.

"Good girl for keeping up." Ellie hands me another shot. Delilah then joined in, just in time.

"Ellie, I don't say this quite often, but I think you and I will be good friends." Says Delilah. She wraps her arms around Ellie. I didn't think too deeply about it.

I don't know if the choice to drink is to avoid my issues or for fun. All I know is when I am having fun like this. I don't think of anything else. Ellie brought over three too many trays for us. I lost count of my drinks once I stopped counting after the second. I feel numb in my head and body. With no control over what I do or say.

In all other words, I wasn't the wallflower of the night.

I tug on Ellie's arm, swaying side to side, "Come on, let's danccee," I slur.

Jackson got on the other side of her before I could tug her away and whispered something in her ear. "I'll be back, and then we can dance, ok?" She tells me. Jackson pulls her away from me leaving me alone.

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