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I walked my way towards him and danced by myself

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I walked my way towards him and danced by myself. He didn't even bother to say anything before he grabbed hold of my hips. I moved them the best way Ellie taught me; within the five seconds we were dancing.

I look up at the girls to see if they witness what's happening, and they begin to cheer me on and grin. I move with his rhythm, side to side, then grind. No one but myself was in mind. Not Nolan or Chase. I wrapped my left arm over his neck, and he did the same but around my bare stomach. We sway with my back facing him.

A complete stranger.

I look up to see the girls. For some reason, their cheerful glance turned to concern, I tried to see what they were looking at, but Hottie turned me over before I could glance at anything. He's tall, has light brown eyes, and a structured face. He's just as tall as Chase but muscular. And he can pass off as my husband, Zack Efron.

"Hello there." When he smiled, I instantly swooned over his perfect features.

"You're hot," I say bluntly.

"So are you." He laughs at my drunkenness.

Within seconds of speaking, the stranger got punched on the side of his cheekbone, causing him to be knocked away from me and onto the ground. My mouth dropped in shock.

Chase stood over the stranger. His fist clenched, and he tensed his whole body as if he was ready to fight him. I drop to my knees to check on this stranger because of the drunk fool who stood over him. I could read the wrath all over Chases' demeanor.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I look up at Chase. Then back at the guy that's now opening his eyes, with his hands pressed to his face. I knew it had to hurt. Chase officially killed any time of intoxication I had.

"Bastard." The stranger groans.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Chase's head tilts, and he steps up towards him. I knew that wasn't a good sign. So I stepped in front of him to stop whatever he was about to do.

"Calm down." I try piercing my eyes in his so that I'm the only one he sees.

He looks at me well enough to cool down and grips my arm to pull me away from the nosy crowd. "What are you doing?" The grip he has on me is firm, making it hard to get away. "Chase," I say firmly.

"We are leaving. Fun is over." He rushes me out of the door and pulls out his phone. "There's a cab coming soon to get us."

"What the hell was that? We were dancing?"

"Just because I said I don't want to dance with you doesn't mean you go and dance on some guy you barely know." He raises his voice at me, causing a few people that were outside to stare.

"I was having fun. You didn't have to harm him."

"Having fun?! The girl I know wouldn't willingly dance on someone and call it fun." He spat.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now