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He placed his two fingers in my mouth, and I let him. Out of the blue, I felt a sharp pain between my legs in the area. My mouth parts to say something but no words come out. I know I didn't just lose my virginity, but it sure feels like it. The more he uses his fingers, the more I start to feel extraordinary. I love how he looks when he's into it, which means there's no reason for me to feel embarrassed.

"If you relax, then you'll enjoy it more." He smirks and kisses my inner thigh.

My head goes back as I take it all in. He pulls his fingers out and then leans in towards the middle of my legs. My whole body shook once I felt his cool tongue on my womanhood. As much as I wanted to be covered up and cuddled, I can't deny that this is the best feeling in the universe. As he continues to do dances with his tongue, I can't help but question whether he is enjoying this or not. "You taste amazing." He mumbles against me.

That's not what I had in mind for him to say. Instead of it making me feel good about myself, it made me feel worse. I push his head and stop the moaning. "Wait." I sigh.

Chase takes me by surprise when he licks his fingers. "What's wrong." He grins.

"I...it doesn't feel right," I tell him. I'm not used to this kinkiness. It all feels so wrong but good.

His smile turns into a frown. "What was wrong with it?"

"Not you. I should've phrased that better. You are great, and it was amazing. I..." My head goes down, embarrassed.

"You what?" He picks my head up by my chin.

"I don't know what I'm doing." I blurt. Instead, Chase laughs at me as if it's funny. "I'm serious."

"Of course, you don't know what you are doing. You are untouched by this. You're not supposed to know." I pull my crop top back up. Maybe this was poor timing. At least I'm sobering up enough to have a sense of mind. "I can teach you." He speaks. 

As lovely as that sounds, I like Chase fairly, to the point where I don't want to embarrass myself in front of him, even though I already have.


"If you don't want to learn from me, you can watch videos. But knowing you, you wouldn't last watching the cringe introductions. You can ask some of your friends for advice. Delilah would know or..." He shrugs his shoulders. "Trixi."

"Trixi?" I scoff, and my face turns red.

"Yes, Trixi. She has more experience than you, and she's good at it, so you might as well." He speaks as if there is nothing wrong with what he said.

Why would he want me to take advice from Trixi? Doesn't he know we don't like each other? He could've said that to be funny, but I didn't find it funny at all. I found it infuriating. "I should go." I pull up my undies and get up from the bed. "All of this was bad timing and a mistake. I shouldn't have left the party."

Oh my god, I even left Ellie. I remind myself

I grab my sandals in a hurry to leave. "Where are you going?" He was quick on his feet to grab a hold of me before I walked out the door.

"I'm going home. I can't be here." I jerk my arm back from him.

"Why? Did I say something wrong?" His brows furrowed. I should tell him why I'm upset, but it won't change anything.

"No, you didn't. You never say anything wrong, Chase." I sarcastically say. "I was just dopey enough to be here again with you."

"If this is because I mentioned Trixi, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put her name in that conversation. It just came out, stupidly. Don't leave."

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now