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Remembering what Ellie said about Nolan and that Jenna girl

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Remembering what Ellie said about Nolan and that Jenna girl. I texted him since I haven't heard from him yet. If I didn't know any better, he's taking this break thing really seriously and doesn't seem like he wants to try and repair what we had. I waited for a text as Ellie, and I walked through the apartment door.

She threw her bags on the ground and kicked off her shoes. "I'm pooped," she says. "What's for dinner?"

Usually, I cook for myself and save the rest for the week. But I know Ellie can't cook that well. When Claudia wasn't around, I was the one making our breakfast, lunch, and dinner. "I can order us pizza if you like," I tell her. I can't think straight to cook at the moment.

Delilah walked out of her room, letting the music blast through the apartment. She had on a tight red dress that reached her thighs, and her blonde hair was wavy. Trixi walked out wearing a black dress that showed her whole back. Even though I'm not fond of her, it's a really nice dress.

"What's the occasion?" Ellie asks.

Delilah turns and catches our stares. She grabs us by our hands. "We are going to this party first. Then we are hitting up a nightclub. I want you guys to be there." She smiles and looks up at Trixi's neutral face.

"Yeah, you guys should come." Trixis' tone was expressionless and forced.

Ellie smiles cheek to cheek. "Hell yeah, I'll come."

I knew Ellie would say yes, but I have a gut feeling Chase will be there. I want to avoid contact with him entirely. "I'm ok. I have homework to do." I lie. I already got my homework done.

"You sure?" Ellie frowns.


Delilah steps closer to me. "Chase won't be there." She whispers in my ear. I'm glad she knows why I genuinely don't want to come, and she didn't say it in front of Trixi.

But we were just at a party last night.

Ellie tugs on my arm. "C'mon, Milly." She pouts. "You don't have to drink. Just be my wing-woman for the night."

I look over at Delilah. "It's a girls' night out thing, and Rose will be there too."

Sounds tempting, and I wouldn't have to drink. "Okay." I agree, knowing that I'm going to regret saying yes, every time I go to a party, something happens.

After the house party, we walked down the street to meet our Uber for the club called The Prime. The party was ok. At least Delilah wasn't lying when she said Chase wouldn't be there. But Rose wasn't there either. Ellie said the party was lame and a waste of an hour, but at least she was able to get free shots and drinks before the Club. She even stole a bottle. Delilah and Trixi praised her while I was worried about my night.

I fix my white dress while getting out of the Uber. There was already an extensive line In front of the car. If I would've known we'd had to wait, I wouldn't have come along. And I'm not even drinking, so this is not fun more like babysitting the drunks.

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