Phone Call Away

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As Michael sat in his room after spending time with his best friend, he felt the familiar bubbly, happy feeling that usually comes when he hangs out with him. He noticed that this feeling was getting more and more intense with every passing day.

"Maybe I do like him more than a friend..." He shook his head and pushed the silly idea out of his head.

Michael got up off his bed and put on his soft red hoodie. He took a comb to his neat brown hair. He decided he'd go for a drive to try and get his mind off of things. As he left his house and got into his PT Cruiser, he realized he left his phone on the kitchen counter. He really didn't need it so he went for his drive.

Michael had a history of mental illness and depression. He had been hospitalized for suicidal actions multiple times. Jeremy, his best friend, had gotten into the habit of checking in on him multiple times a day. It so happened that when Michael was leaving was the time Jeremy decided to check in on him. After a couple missed calls Jeremy started to get concerned.

"Come on Michael, please answer." Jeremy was starting to get nervous. It never took this long for him to usually answer.

After a couple more rings the call went to voicemail. Jeremy tried again, but it went to voicemail again. Jeremy started to panic. Horrific thoughts clouded his mind. Awful images of Michael hanging from the ceiling or limp in a bathtub. Michael could be dead or worse.

Michael ended up driving to a wooden bridge not far from his house. He got out of his car and sat down on the bridge. He looked out onto the river. The blue and white froth from the fast moving water was calming somehow. It was deep enough and fast enough to carry someone away. Michael was toying with death as he swung his legs over the bridge. He kicked the air.

Jeremy was frantically searching for Michael everywhere. The only place he hadn't looked was Michael's house and the wooden bridge. A cold wind started to pick up. Jeremy shivered and pulled his jacket closer to him. He pulled the hood up and over his messy brown hair.

Jeremy went to Michael's house. His car was gone. An ice cold feeling of horror swept over him, where the hell was Michael?! His heartbeat picked up, the horrific images flashed in his mind again. He shook his head frantically. Jeremy started running towards the bridge, his muscles were aching but he kept on running until he saw the familiar red hoodie. Relief washed over him.

"Michael!" Jeremy yelled.

Michael lifted his head and turned it to look at him. A smile crept onto his face. His brown eyes sparkled at the sight of the skinny and slightly shorter male.

"Jeremy?" Michael stood up and ran over to him.

"Michael." Jeremy breathed in relief.

Jeremy fell into his arms and began to cry hot tears of joy.

'Maybe I really do like him.' Michael thought as Jeremy hugged him tightly and cried into his hoodie.

Michael patted his back in an attempt to comfort him. It seemed to work because Jeremy's breath began to calm down and so did his cries. The cries turned into dull sobs and hiccups. When he pulled away Michael's hoodie had a very wet spot on his shoulder from Jeremy crying on it.

"I'm just fine. I wouldn't just die on you without warning" Michael chuckled softly.

Jeremy sniffled and nodded. They sat down on the edge of the bridge together, the cold wind swept over them, but they were warm with happiness. Michael cleared his throat with an 'ahem' and turned his head to look at Jeremy, who was zoned out and gazing at the river below them. Jeremy's pale skin seemed to glow in the cold.

"Jeremy? Can I tell you something?" Michael felt his anxiety fill up his chest.

Jeremy looked up and turned to look at Michael. His blue eyes glittering

"Yes of course." He smiled at the taller and tanner teen.

Michael bit his lip and sighed. This was his chance and Michael had to take it or the chance may never come again.

"I-i've had a crush on you since 3rd grade." Michael said quickly. He closed his brown eyes tightly in fear and embarrassment.

Jeremy smiled warmly. "Oh Michael. You're so oblivious."

"Huh?" Michael opened his eyes.

"I've had a crush on you as well. Just not as long. I've had a crush on you since 8th grade maybe, give or take."

Michael's eyes lit up like a gay Christmas tree. They got away from the edge and hugged each other. It began to rain, the two boys ran to the car and climbed inside. Their hair was soaked and dripping onto their clothes by the time they had made it to the car. They laughed happily, a smile plastered on both of their faces. Michael turned on the car, enjoying the warmth and the radio turned to an oldies channel. Jeremy rested his head on Michael's dryish shoulder. Jeremy felt the long forgotten warmth slip into him. Finally they could be happy with each other and with themselves.

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