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a/n: unbetaed, so please excuse any mistakes.

There he goes again.

Baekhyun could feel it, the eyes burning through through the back of his skull. The bubblegum-haired boy inwardly cringed as he tried to ignore the staring, trying to focus on the teacher's lecture on the rhetorical analysis of the article they read at the beginning of class. He didn't know why, but Oh Sehun was staring at him, yet again, with that same old scowl on his face. Baekhyun hated it because he could tell what the other was thinking. Irritation was evident in Baekhyun's sigh as he exhaled a little too loudly for their teacher's liking.

"Is there something with my lesson that's bothering you, Mr. Byun?"

Baekhyun immediately straightened up in his seat, shaking his head and muttering an apologetic 'no sir' before looking back down at his blank piece of paper he was suppose to be taking notes on. If only he wasn't distracted by the incessant staring...

Screw you Oh Sehun. He wasn't even technically doing anything, and yet he still got him trouble.

"He was doing it again!" Baekhyun groaned, resting his face into the palms of his bands. Jongdae, a friend of his, clamped his hand down on the shorter's shoulder.

"Maybe he likes you." Baekhyun looked up at his friend who grinned down at him, obviously amused with Baekhyun's frustration. Baekhyun shrugged Jongdae's hand off of his shoulder and threw a mock punch at the taller's stomach.

"Shut up, Jongdae." The bell rang signaling the beginning of class, sending Jongdae to his seat quietly chuckling to himself. Pushing Sehun to the back of his, Baekhyun set up for class and waited for further instructions from his teacher.

"For this week's project, you guys are going to get into pairs and pick a chapter of the book to annotate and at the end of the week you and your partner are going to present your rhetorical analysis of your chapter to the class."

Baekhyun actually felt excited for this assignment. He was actually enjoying the book they were reading and figured this would be easy, especially with his usual partner, Minseok, Jongdae's boyfriend.

Baekhyun often teased his best friend, saying how he didn't know why such a smart guy like Minseok would go out with him which usually earned him a slap to the arm, followed by a high pitched whine, and Kyungsoo telling them both to stop. He and Minseok were always partners whenever they had to group assignments.

Minseok was pretty quiet compared to him and Jongdae, which made Baekhyun wonder how Minseok and his best friend even started dating since they were so different, but nonetheless he still thought they were cute together.

"And since I can't trust you guys enough to pick your own partners, I'm going to assign partners this time. Maybe next time you guys will learn to behave and actually get your work done," he warned.

Baekhyun suddenly felt panic creeping up on him. Calm down. There's no way he's gonna assign Sehun to be your partner. There's just no way.

"Baekhyun, you're with...Sehun."

Realising he was holding his breath, Baekhyun exhaled as he shut his eyes and slowly sank down into his chair, letting the reality of the situation fully wash over him.

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